Redhopper - kanbans plugin
Added by infoPiiaf SARL over 9 years ago
We have just released yet another kanbans plugin for Redmine under AGPL licence : Redhopper.
Feel free to install, test and hack it ;)
Replies (7)
RE: Redhopper - kanbans plugin
Added by Gilvan André Gobbato almost 7 years ago
Do you intend to upgrade this plugin?
RE: Redhopper - kanbans plugin
Added by infoPiiaf SARL almost 7 years ago
I don't understand your question. Are you talking about Redmine 4.0 ?
RE: Redhopper - kanbans plugin
Added by Gilvan André Gobbato almost 7 years ago
Hi mate, sorry about that,
In fact, I was asking about futures new versions.
I'm afraid, for example, if for some reason, you stop working in this plugin. I'm talking this because your plugin is very good, for me it's perfect, and I'm afraid that for some new Redmine release, your plugin don't work anymore.
Unfortunatly, I don't know how to program for Ruby, but if I can help you with something, please, it's just ask!
Thank you mate.
RE: Redhopper - kanbans plugin
Added by infoPiiaf SARL almost 7 years ago
We can't predict the future, but we still use Redmine and Redhopper and sure will follow Redmine's upgrades as far as we use it ;)
If someday we stop it, as the plugin is free, anyone with ruby coding knowledge will be able to take care of it.
RE: Redhopper - kanbans plugin
Added by Marian Pascalau over 6 years ago
Hi There,
FYI, there is a problem with your plugin when Database is set to MSSqlServer. In redhopper_issue.rb, on line 54, there is a statement which does not work on redmine with MSSqlServer as Backend-Server:
issue.journals.visible.where("LENGTH(journals.notes) > 0")
The first idea to fix this problem was to change the name of the LENGTH function (In MSSqlServer the LENGTH function is called LEN).
Then I came up with another solution which should secure a better compatibility with other SQL Databases:
issue.journals.visible.where("journals.notes like '_%'")
RE: Redhopper - MSSQL issue
Added by infoPiiaf SARL over 6 years ago
Hi and thanks for your feedback,
Indeed, the issue was already identified, we sure have to fix this :-\
RE: Redhopper - kanbans plugin
Added by Murray Jones over 6 years ago
Install the plugin
Configure roles and permissions in your Redmine configuration.
Activate the Kanbans module in your project configuration.
Eventually, activate additional features in Redmine Administration/Plugins/Redhopper Settings.