How to create plugin in Bitnami Redmine?
Added by Ken Rockwell almost 9 years ago
Tutorial for creating new plugin says I should run command:
set RAILS_ENV=production
bundle exec ruby script/rails generate redmine_plugin test-plugin
WHERE to run this command?
Does not matter where I run I get error that 'bundle' does not exist or other error (if this is \Bitnami\redmine-3.2.1-0\ruby\bin directory).
Same about plugin activation. If I understand well Redmine comes with sume plugins to activate.
They are in Bitnami\redmine-3.2.1-0\apps\redmine\htdocs\lib\plugins so I should copy them to Bitnami\redmine-3.2.1-0\apps\redmine\htdocs\plugins and run command:
rake redmine:plugins:migrate RAILS_ENV=production they say
This does NOT work!
Replies (3)
RE: How to create plugin in Bitnami Redmine?
Added by Keith McGrellis almost 9 years ago
The instructions for installing plugins in Bitnami are here
Basically the script use_redmine (in the root bitnami folder) sets the right path for your environment so run that before installing or creating plugins.
RE: How to create plugin in Bitnami Redmine?
Added by Ken Rockwell almost 9 years ago
U mean C:\Bitnami\redmine-3.2.1-0\use_redmine.bat ?
It gives NOTHING.
For instance I execute command: bundle exec ruby script/rails generate redmine_plugin test-plugin or bundle exec ruby bin/rails generate redmine_plugin test-plugin
And I have:
Could not locate Gemfile or .bundle/ directory
And another example:
rake db:migrate_plugins RAILS_ENV=production
No Rakefile found (looking for: rakefile, Rakefile, rakefile.rb, Rakefile.rb)
(See full trace by running task with --trace)
So how to do such trivial task like plugin installation in Redmine?
RE: How to create plugin in Bitnami Redmine?
Added by Adam Pfeiffer almost 9 years ago
This is what I do in linux:
run: use_redmine
run: export RAILS_ENV="production" (do the windows equivalent)
change to redmine/htdocs directory
run: bundle exec ruby bin/rails generate redmine_plugin <pluginname>
Works for me on linux, hope it works for you on windows.