Plugin broken: 'remote' is not defined ... (ActionView::Template::Error (undefined method `remote' for ... ))
Added by Chris Moser about 7 years ago
Does someone have a hint, how to fix the RedmineParentIssueFilter-plugin?
Some others have similar problems with other plugins because 'remote' is missing.
The error¶
ActionView::Template::Error (undefined method `remote' for {:name=>"Parent task", :type=>:integer, :order=>96}:Hash): 1: <%= javascript_tag do %> 2: var operatorLabels = <%= raw_json Query.operators_labels %>; 3: var operatorByType = <%= raw_json Query.operators_by_filter_type %>; 4: var availableFilters = <%= raw_json query.available_filters_as_json %>; 5: var labelDayPlural = <%= raw_json l(:label_day_plural) %>; 6: 7: var filtersUrl = <%= raw_json queries_filter_path(:project_id => @query.project.try(:id), :type => @query.type) %>;
The plugin code¶
module RedmineParentIssueFilter
module QueryPatch
def self.included(base) # :nodoc:
base.send(:include, InstanceMethods)
# Same as typing in the class
base.class_eval do
unloadable # Send unloadable so it will not be unloaded in development
alias_method_chain :available_filters, :parent_id
module InstanceMethods
# Wrapper around the +available_filters+ to add a new Deliverable filter
def available_filters_with_parent_id
@available_filters = available_filters_without_parent_id
parent_id_filters = {
"parent_id" => {
:name => l(:field_parent_issue),
:type => :integer,
:order => @available_filters.size + 1},
"root_id" => {
:name => l(:field_root_issue),
:type => :integer,
:order => @available_filters.size + 2}
return @available_filters.merge!(parent_id_filters)
# Add module to Query
Query.send(:include, RedmineParentIssueFilter::QueryPatch)