Redmine schedules plugin convert error
Added by jack penate almost 16 years ago
I managed to install the schedules plugin on 0.8.2 version of redmine, without any problems initally. The problem that I have is that once i update a the schedule for any project I get an internal error and can no longer access the schedules page. I have updated to 0.8.3 but this doesnt resolve the issue.
The log file shows this error:
ActionView::TemplateError (Translation value "%.2f hour" with arguments [{:value=>8.0}] caused error 'can't convert Hash into Float') on line #2 of vendor/plugins/redmine_schedules/app/views/schedules/_schedule_entry.html.erb:
1: <li class="schedule_entry" style="min-height: <%= 2.7*entry.hours >em">
2: <div title="<= l(:label_f_hour, :value => entry.hours) >" style="min-height: <= 2.7*entry.hours - 1.7 >em; <= ? : >">
3: <= link_to entry.project, :controller => 'schedules', :action => 'index', :date =>, :project_id => entry.project if @project.nil?%>
4: <%= "<br/>" if @project.nil? && @user.nil? >
5: <= link_to entry.user, :controller => 'schedules', :action => 'index', :date =>, :user_id => if @user.nil? %>
Replies (2)
RE: Redmine schedules plugin convert error
Added by jack penate almost 16 years ago
forgot to mention that its the 0.3.2 version of the schedules plugin...
RE: Redmine schedules plugin convert error
Added by jack penate almost 16 years ago
anyone got any ideas about this issue? can i hack vendor/plugins/redmine_schedules/app/views/schedules/_schedule_entry.html.erb to get this to work?