


Plugins to track resource utilization for Redmine 3.3.3

Added by Sanjay S almost 6 years ago

Hi All,

I am currently using Redmine version 3.3.3 (powered by Bitnami, if that matters). I would like to extract a report with the following details
1) Assignee
2) Week Starting date
3) Week Ending Date
4) Project
5) Planned Effort
6) Spent Effort

This report would list for each assignee and for each week and project, the Sum of all Planned efforts and Spent efforts.
Please refer to the attached XLS file for a sample.

Can someone suggest me if there's any way I can generate this or any suitable plug-in for the same?

Thanks in advance

Sample Res Util.xlsx (8.83 KB) Sample Res Util.xlsx Sample Resource Utilization template