


redmine_custom_reminder plugin and redmine 4.0.3

Added by Anne Hammond about 5 years ago

redmine_custom_reminder (0.7.2f10021a latest version) plugin works under redmine 4.0.1.

Under 4.0.3, I am getting

Please specify a valid ruby command or the path of a script to run.
Run 'bin/rails runner -h' for help.

uninitialized constant CustomRemindersEmailNotificationJob
Did you mean?  CustomFieldEnumerationsController

[root@redmine2 redmine]# bundle exec rails runner -e production CustomRemindersEmailNotificationJob.perform_now
Please specify a valid ruby command or the path of a script to run.
Run 'bin/rails runner -h' for help.

uninitialized constant CustomRemindersEmailNotificationJob
Did you mean?  CustomFieldEnumerationsController

  Redmine version                4.0.3.stable
  Ruby version                   2.4.5-p335 (2018-10-18) [x86_64-linux]
  Rails version        
  Environment                    production
  Database adapter               Mysql2
  Mailer queue                   ActiveJob::QueueAdapters::AsyncAdapter
  Mailer delivery                smtp

Any suggestions appreciated.