Where should be #{RAILS_ROOT}/plugins ?
Added by Anonymous about 4 years ago
All plugins are referenced to this guide: https://www.redmine.org/projects/redmine/wiki/Plugins but the guide is more for people who have already used it before...
I am trying to install one plugin but I don't have an idea where should be #{RAILS_ROOT}/plugins? This is the first time I need to install Ruby app.
I use Bitnami-Redmine virtual machine with Debian
Is that folder /stack/ruby/plugins? When I clone from the Github plugin there what should I do then? To restart Redmine or I have to enter any command?
Replies (1)
RE: Where should be #{RAILS_ROOT}/plugins ?
Added by Adriano Baptistella about 4 years ago
Hi Dejan!
Sending aid from Brazil
Past your plugins in /plugins
After: cd .. for root
bundle install
bundle exec rake redmine:plugins:migrate RAILS_ENV=production && touch tmp/restart.txt
Best regards!