


Searching Freelancer -> Adding Features to redmine_workload

Added by Markus Boremski about 3 years ago

Hey there,
in our company we are using redmine in R&D. With about 100ppl we are planing our tasks and projects.
We use Timetracking to feed our ERP-System with booked hours and so on.
It is used on a daily basis to stay on top of all the things we have to do.
Since we implemented redmine we know verey good what we have done so far and what we are doing right now.

Unfortuantely we often struggle to make peek on the future. We are not able to plan our workload for our teams with redmine.
Today we have to use Excel, just to see when we have enough manpower fot the nex project.

This is where the plugin from Jost Baron came into play: redmine_workload
We think that this is a good start and are able to see the workload for a single user but not for a Team.
Jost and I already in 2020 made small changes to make it ready for redmine 4.x

Jost himself unfortunately does not have enough time to make some changes, but will help us with rights for the Repository if needed.
I myself am not skilled enough to make mayor changes on my own.

So.. Today I am searching for someone who is inetersted in doing some work on this Plugin.
Wen can for sure fiddle out some payments from my employer.

In best case you speak german (english at least).
You have experience in writing code for redmine plugins and know how to test it.

Please contact me if you are interested!

Replies (4)

RE: Searching Freelancer -> Adding Features to redmine_workload - Added by Liane Hampe about 3 years ago

Hallo Markus,

wenn du magst, dann schreibe mir doch eine E-Mail an Wir könnten dann einen Telefontermin vereinbaren und uns über eure Anforderungen austauschen. Ich könnte euch sicher helfen.

Herzliche Grüße

RE: Searching Freelancer -> Adding Features to redmine_workload - Added by Markus Boremski about 3 years ago

I am really happy to tell all of you who are interested:
Liane and I pluged some docs together and my employer placed an order to implement some changes in this plugin.
Of course, the plugin will stay open-source.

So, upcoming:
  • Workload on User-Group-Level
  • Export of workload in csv

We will report here if we have something new.
Please contact me if you are interested in testing the new features!
