


Problem with redmine_wysiwyg_editor

Added by Aukfood Aukfood 6 months ago


something strange, I have two installations in 4.2.11 version (yes old version). In a basic installation taqueci/redmine_wysiwyg_editor works, all buton apeared in editions. And in another installation with somme others plugins buton does not appear.

How can I debug that ?

Best regards

Replies (3)

RE: Problem with redmine_wysiwyg_editor - Added by Aukfood Aukfood 5 months ago

@all no idea or an idea about another wysiwyg plugin ?

RE: Problem with redmine_wysiwyg_editor - Added by Jérôme Gallot 5 months ago

deactivate all other plugins
and activate plugin one by one to find which one is incompatible.


RE: Problem with redmine_wysiwyg_editor - Added by Aukfood Aukfood 5 months ago

There is a command for desactivate all plugins ?
