Stuff ToDo - What's recommended to do next
Added by Rene Kockisch over 15 years ago
great Plugin :-) But, on use "What's recommended to do next" function i have an problem.
- there is an item on "What I'm doing now" and a other item on "What's available"
- now, as an project manager, i try to move the item from "What's available" to "What's recommended to do next" section
- after a few seconds the item is shown on "What I'm doing now"
It's a bug or a feature? What must i do to shown an item under the "What's recommended to do next" section?
Replies (9)
RE: Stuff ToDo - What's recommended to do next
Added by Nanda P over 15 years ago
Hi Kockisch,
If the user has less than 5 items in his "What I'm doing now" pane, Then the items what ever you moved to "What's recommended to do next" will automatically move to "What I'm doing now".
It is a feature not a bug.
Then in "What's recommended to do next" can hold up to 10 items.
What's recommended to do next
This pane lists up to 10 extra tasks for the user. These tasks are used as overflow for the What I'm doing now.
RE: Stuff ToDo - What's recommended to do next
Added by Rene Kockisch over 15 years ago
Hey Nanda,
thanks for your help. And what can i do to minimize the number of items for this feature? It's on my todos from our projectmanager :-)
RE: Stuff ToDo - What's recommended to do next
Added by Nanda P over 15 years ago
Customization via settings not available,
If you want, You can modify the file "\vendor\plugins\stuff_to_do_plugin\app\models\next_issue.rb"
HTH :)
RE: Stuff ToDo - What's recommended to do next
Added by Eric Davis over 15 years ago
Rene Kockisch wrote:
thanks for your help. And what can i do to minimize the number of items for this feature? It's on my todos from our projectmanager :-)
Something similar to this has been proposed, I don't use the plugin that often, so I welcome anyones comments and ideas on how to make it more useful.
RE: Stuff ToDo - What's recommended to do next
Added by Rafael Martins over 15 years ago
My opiniou: one person should tell(move from 'available' to "what i'm doing" ) what he/she is doing in that moment (nor system, or project manager 'pop-up' him with something that he didn't is doing in that moment.)
I also think that could have some kind of interoperability between my_effort and stuff_to_do plugins. For example, when I move something to "What I'm doing now", time could start to count.
RE: Stuff ToDo - What's recommended to do next
Added by Klaus Stroer over 15 years ago
I'm a coder of the project and we have the same needs as Rafael Martins above of me. Could you intergrate it into the next update?
RE: Stuff ToDo - What's recommended to do next
Added by Eric Davis over 15 years ago
Rafael Martins wrote:
My opiniou: one person should tell(move from 'available' to "what i'm doing" ) what he/she is doing in that moment (nor system, or project manager 'pop-up' him with something that he didn't is doing in that moment.)
I also think that could have some kind of interoperability between my_effort and stuff_to_do plugins. For example, when I move something to "What I'm doing now", time could start to count.
That would be possible. If you want to submit a patch to my Redmine I'd be happy to review it and integrate it into the next version.
Eric Davis
RE: Stuff ToDo - What's recommended to do next
Added by Ted Lilley over 15 years ago
This suggestion is for Eric. It's actually not for the Stuff To Do plugin, but is based on the idea behind Stuff to Do.
The project Roadmap feature is very similar in concept to Stuff To Do, in that it conveniently groups issues into "what's next" but for the project as a whole as opposed to the individual.
While there is an existing interface to do this grouping, it is nowhere near as convenient to manage the list as compared to the Stuff To Do drag and drop implementation.
Eric, how hard would it be to adapt the Stuff To Do plugin into a new plugin that provides the same kind of interface for the Roadmap feature?
RE: Stuff ToDo - What's recommended to do next
Added by Eric Davis over 15 years ago
Ted Lilley wrote:
Eric, how hard would it be to adapt the Stuff To Do plugin into a new plugin that provides the same kind of interface for the Roadmap feature?
It would be possible if Redmine tracks the position of each issue in the Roadmap. We'd also have to think about what to do when an issue is assigned to a different Version.
Eric Davis