Stuff To Do - Plugin : Role based permissions to view and edit user's lists instead of admin.
Added by Nanda P over 15 years ago
This is a very useful plugin & everyone in our project using it on daily bases.
If the user is an Administrator, they have the permission to edit other users' lists. This allows them to act as the system Project Manager
Right now ONLY Administrators can able to manage other user's tasks using drag sort.
It will be very useful if it is "Role based"
Example: "Manager" role should able to View/Edit another user's list.
for now we gave Admin access to all managers. It is causing lots of issues like updating Redmine settings & deleting issues.. :(
Replies (1)
RE: Stuff To Do - Plugin : Role based permissions to view and edit user's lists instead of admin.
Added by Eric Davis over 15 years ago
I'll be updating the plugin once Redmine supports global usergroups. See these feature requests for more information and some ideas the community has had:
Eric Davis