


Custom Menu Plugin

Added by Maxim Krušina over 15 years ago

For a long time we're using hacked html of main topmost menu. We added some links, which we're using very often, like All tasks view or main Wiki (which is de-facto link to Wiki of one our project). But plugin for this functionality will be really usefull because we won't to touch code directly.

There will be a Custom menu editor in Administration of Redmine. If you click this link you will see something like this: |_.Label|_.URL|Visible by|Sort|| |Wiki||[All]|^ v|Delete|
Added meni items will be displayed right from default remine menu. Admin can set Visible to:
  • All (default) = menu item will be visible to all redmine users
  • Registered only = menu item will be visible only to logged users
  • To roles: = In this case admin can assign one or more roles, which will see menu item

Menu can be administered by Admins only, or (if useful) there can be a new Permission: Manage custom menu

Other ideas, pleae let me know what do you think:
  • Possition management (up/down) of menu items by drag and drop
  • Menu /submenu: when adding an Menu Item, you can choose if it will be main menu or submenu item. If menu will have some submenu items, it will be displayed like classic expanding menu.
  • [x] Open link to new window (useful for someone?)

If someone interested, I can prepare wireframe model of this plugin with some devel comments...