Graphs plugin: Graphs not displayed. Production log errors
Added by Anonymous over 15 years ago
I've installed the latest version of the Graphs plugin, but the graphs are not displayed. What am I missing?
I've attached the production.log file.
Redmine: 0.8.4
Ruby: 1.8.6
OS: Windows 2003 Server
Replies (2)
RE: Graphs plugin: Graphs not displayed. Production log errors
Added by Anonymous over 15 years ago
Based on other posts on the net and on these forums, I modified the "if transitive" line in ruby\lib\ruby\1.8\rexml\document.rd file to "if trans", and the graphs are being generated.
However, the generated graphs are "weird" looking. Their backgrounds are all black, so nothing is seen (see screenshot).
Any ideas?
screenshot1.jpg (32 KB) screenshot1.jpg | Black graph - graph 1 | ||
screenshot2.jpg (45 KB) screenshot2.jpg | Black graph - graph 2 |
RE: Graphs plugin: Graphs not displayed. Production log errors
Added by Kevin Bosman over 15 years ago
Hi Kunal, see for a solution