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IssuePatch, belongs_to works once
Added by Sandro Munda almost 14 years ago
I have a issue_patch.rb file with the following code :
require_dependency 'issue' module IssuePatch def self.included(base) # :nodoc: base.extend(ClassMethods) base.send(:include, InstanceMethods) base.class_eval do unloadable # Send unloadable so it will not be unloaded in development belongs_to :analytic_code, :class_name => 'AnalyticCode', :foreign_key => 'analytic_code_id' end end module ClassMethods end module InstanceMethods end end Issue.send(:include, IssuePatch)
When I go the issue page, I can access to the 'issue.analytic_code'. The problem is that I can access it only once. Next time, I have the following error :
undefined method `analytic_code' for #<Issue:0x1076d16d8> Extracted source (around line #45): 42: <% end %> 43: </tr> 44: <%= render_custom_fields_rows(@issue) %> 45: <%= call_hook(:view_issues_show_details_bottom, :issue => @issue) %> 46: </table> 47: 48: <% if @issue.description? || @issue.attachments.any? -%>
On my Hook, I have the following code :
def view_issues_show_details_bottom(context={}) issue = context[:issue] ac = issue.analytic_code[:code] return "<tr><td><b>Analytic Code:</b></td><td>#{ac}</td></tr>" end
Replies (7)
RE: IssuePatch, belongs_to works once
Added by Sandro Munda almost 14 years ago
It works when I run my server with the production environment. In development environment, it only works once :-( How is it possible ?
RE: IssuePatch, belongs_to works once
Added by Kirill Bezrukov (RedmineUP) almost 14 years ago
You should do like this:
Dispatcher.to_prepare do
unless Attachment.included_modules.include?(RedmineContacts::Patches::AttachmentPatch)
Attachment.send(:include, RedmineContacts::Patches::AttachmentPatch)
unless AttachmentsController.included_modules.include?(RedmineContacts::Patches::AttachmentsControllerPatch)
AttachmentsController.send(:include, RedmineContacts::Patches::AttachmentsControllerPatch)
RE: IssuePatch, belongs_to works once
Added by Sandro Munda almost 14 years ago
Thanks for your answer. I'm not sure to understand. What's "Attachment" and RedmineContacts ?
RE: IssuePatch, belongs_to works once
Added by Kirill Bezrukov (RedmineUP) almost 14 years ago
It's just an example how to include patches
You need this:
Dispatcher.to_prepare do
unless Issue.included_modules.include?(IssuePatch)
Issue.send(:include, IssuePatch)
Issue.send(:include, IssuePatch)
RE: IssuePatch, belongs_to works once
Added by Sandro Munda almost 14 years ago
Allright, it works ! Thanks very much.
However, can you explain me the reason that my code worked only in production mode and not in development mode ?
What is the Dispatcher.to_prepare ?
RE: IssuePatch, belongs_to works once
Added by Kirill Bezrukov (RedmineUP) almost 14 years ago
I don't know :)) I've founded it in other plugin and copied
RE: IssuePatch, belongs_to works once
Added by Sandro Munda almost 14 years ago
Ok thanks for your answer.
If anybody knows exactly the explanation, say me :-)