


Posting the description of an issue through API

Added by Jon Lumpkin over 12 years ago

I recently posted when trying to get started on using the API. We are running 1.0.1, so that may be the issue, but it looks like this should still be available.

When I put together something that looks like this

writer.Write("'issue': { " +
"'project_id': 'system', " +
"'subject': '" + message + "'" +
"'description': '" + theDescription + "'" +

I get a 500 when trying to post. If I remove the description field it works fine. theDescription gets built up, but even if I post a string - for example just the words 'thedescription', it still returns a 500.

Replies (1)

RE: Posting the description of an issue through API - Added by Jon Lumpkin over 12 years ago

I see my error, its missing a comma after the message.
