


How to change background color to issue

Added by Andrey Bezmenov almost 12 years ago


For our projects i've created a custom field - Result. Now I want to change the color of issue background depending on value of this filed.
Something like:
If value is 'Good' - background must be green, if value is 'Bad' - background must be red.

Is it possible in Redmine? And if it is, than how i can do this?

(Sorry for my English. I'm from Russia.)

Replies (2)

RE: How to change background color to issue - Added by Bob Pack almost 12 years ago

I don't know if there's a way to do this... but it's a good idea!

RE: How to change background color to issue - Added by Jan Niggemann ( team member) over 11 years ago

You can check how the themes do it. Basically, you have to style the rowsx using CSS. This is an example from the A1 theme:

tr.odd.priority-5, table.list tbody tr.odd.priority-5:hover { color: #900; font-weight: bold; }
tr.odd.priority-5 { background: #ffc4c4; }
tr.even.priority-5, table.list tbody tr.even.priority-5:hover { color: #900; font-weight: bold; }
tr.even.priority-5 { background: #ffd4d4; }
tr.priority-5 a, tr.priority-5:hover a { color: #900; }
tr.odd.priority-5 td, tr.even.priority-5 td { border-color: #ffb4b4; }

tr.odd.priority-4, table.list tbody tr.odd.priority-4:hover { color: #900; }
tr.odd.priority-4 { background: #ffc4c4; }
tr.even.priority-4, table.list tbody tr.even.priority-4:hover { color: #900; }
tr.even.priority-4 { background: #ffd4d4; }
tr.priority-4 a { color: #900; }
tr.odd.priority-4 td, tr.even.priority-4 td { border-color: #ffb4b4; }

tr.odd.priority-3, table.list tbody tr.odd.priority-3:hover { color: #900; }
tr.odd.priority-3 { background: #fee; }
tr.even.priority-3, table.list tbody tr.even.priority-3:hover { color: #900; }
tr.even.priority-3 { background: #fff2f2; }
tr.priority-3 a { color: #900; }
tr.odd.priority-3 td, tr.even.priority-3 td { border-color: #fcc; }

tr.odd.priority-1, table.list tbody tr.odd.priority-1:hover { color: #559; }
tr.odd.priority-1 { background: #eaf7ff; }
tr.even.priority-1, table.list tbody tr.even.priority-1:hover { color: #559; }
tr.even.priority-1 { background: #f2faff; }
tr.priority-1 a { color: #559; }
tr.odd.priority-1 td, tr.even.priority-1 td { border-color: #add7f3; }