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RESTful API missing some data to really be complete
Added by Florian Delizy almost 11 years ago
Hi everyone,
I am working into some redmine integration using the RESTful API provided.
So far, I saw a few missing data in the existing requests :
- it is impossible so far to know which standard fields have been assigned in the tracker configuration :
In the tracker admin page, you can choose to display or not a standard field. I find nowhere a RESTful request that would give me the information that a specific field is activated or not for a given tracker…
- it is impossible so far to know what custom fields is assigned to a project (only to the tracker)
A custom field can be activated on a tracker depending or which project the issue is filed on. In the /project/ID/custom_fields.xml request, all you get is a list of trackers the custom fields is assigned to, but not the list of projects it is assigned.
Those two are quite bugging me, making automatic structure discovery quite impossible :/
Another thing is that to browse the custom fields, for some reason, the request user must be admin o_O?
Is there any workaround those limitation ? or any plan to improve this?
(BTW, I created issues #16522 and #16523 on the subject as well).