


redminemanager filter for create_on or filter range date

Added by Maria Manuela Marcano Rasillo almost 10 years ago

as you can filter requests by create_on from java api.
If that can not be as you can as you can get all requests whose start date is greater than a given date

I have tried the following but not working
Will this be?

params.put("start_date", ">2015-02-10");
params.put("create_on", "2015-02-06T11:04:00Z");
issue = mgr.getIssues(params);

Replies (1)

RE: redminemanager filter for create_on or filter range date - Added by Jan Niggemann ( team member) almost 10 years ago

The product "redminemanager" is a third-party product, please contact its creator.
