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Ability to show custom field at ADD FILTER that without checking to FOR ALL PROJECTS?
Added by Jacky Ho over 8 years ago
Ability to show custom field at ADD FILTER that without checking to FOR ALL PROJECTS?
As my attached picture. I would like to show custom field to add filter dropdown list that without checked to check box named "for all projects".
Is it possible to do that?
addfilter.png (37.5 KB) addfilter.png |
Replies (1)
RE: Ability to show custom field at ADD FILTER that without checking to FOR ALL PROJECTS?
Added by Jacky Ho over 8 years ago
Jacky Ho wrote:
Ability to show custom field at ADD FILTER that without checking to FOR ALL PROJECTS?
As my attached picture. I would like to show custom field to add filter dropdown list that without checked to check box named "for all projects".
Is it possible to do that?
I customized it by removing: /redmineroot/app/models/issue_query.rb
issue_custom_fields = IssueCustomField.where(:is_filter => true, :is_for_all => true).all
issue_custom_fields = IssueCustomField.where(:is_filter => true).all