


Compatibility info for 3.3.4 with SQL server

Added by Olivier Houdas almost 8 years ago

Just in case it might be useful to someone:

I have upgraded to the latest code today and came across the following issue: tiny_tds 1.0.5 fails to be installed on my CentOS 6. Note that the requirement change from version 0.6.2 (Redmine 3.3.1) to 1.0.5 (next version of Redmine) is logged in #23932.

It seems that tiny_tds 1.0.5 requires FreeTDS v. 0.95 to work (see this post). But on CentOS 6, "yum install freetds" says Package freetds-0.91-2.el6.x86_64 already installed and latest version

So my conclusion is that the next version of Redmine used with SQL server will require CentOS 7 or Fedora 22. I just thought it might be useful to share it with the community.