


Wow it is low .. very very looooow ...

Added by Guillaume DUPE almost 5 years ago

Hi everyone,

I have migrate to redmine 4.0.5 and when i render all my issues i have the following logs:

INFO -- : Rendering plugins/redmine_hide_estimated_hours/app/views/issues/index.html.erb within layouts/base
INFO -- : Rendered queries/_filters.html.erb (10.6ms)
INFO -- : Rendered queries/_columns.html.erb (3.7ms)
INFO -- : Rendered plugins/redmine_hide_estimated_hours/app/views/queries/_query_form.html.erb (18.5ms)
INFO -- : Rendered issues/_list.html.erb (64.8ms)
INFO -- : Rendered plugins/redmine_issue_templates/app/views/issue_templates/_issue_template_link.html.erb (0.1ms)
INFO -- : Rendered issues/_sidebar.html.erb (7.4ms)
INFO -- : Rendered plugins/redmine_hide_estimated_hours/app/views/issues/index.html.erb within layouts/base (104.9ms)
INFO -- : Rendered plugins/a_common_libs/app/views/hooks/a_common_libs/_html_head.html.erb (1.7ms)
INFO -- : Rendered plugins/redmine_improved_searchbox/app/views/redmine_improved_searchbox/_redmine_improved_searchbox_partial.html.erb (0.5ms)
INFO -- : Rendered plugins/redmine_wiki_extensions/app/views/wiki_extensions/_html_header.html.erb (0.0ms)
INFO -- : Rendered plugins/redmine_backlogs/app/views/hooks/_rb_include_scripts.html.erb (1.7ms)
INFO -- : Rendered plugins/sidebar_hide/app/views/sidebar/_hideButton_partial.html.erb (0.1ms)
INFO -- : Rendered plugins/redmine_wiki_extensions/app/views/wiki_extensions/_body_bottom.html.erb (0.1ms)
INFO -- : Completed 200 OK in 111042ms (Views: 149.1ms | ActiveRecord: 3220.9ms)

So yes, it is a very huge time just for render one page.

First of all, I was thinking that was because of my plugins but when I saw the time I didn't know what was taking so long ? What is corresponding to the 107673ms (111042ms - 149ms - 3220ms) left ?



Replies (1)

RE: Wow it is low .. very very looooow ... - Added by kumar abhinav over 4 years ago

See the last line in the logs you have pasted:

INFO -- : Completed 200 OK in 111042ms (Views: 149.1ms | ActiveRecord: 3220.9ms)

It says ActiveRecord: 3220.9ms, which means the Sql queries are taking 3220.9ms to execute.

You should go through your logs and check the time taken by each of the individual queries to find the culprit.
Then you can go on fixing the slow queries.
