


Display Regexp for custom fields

Added by Matthew Paul almost 2 years ago

Suggestion for display of Custom fields -

(Originally this was a suggestion just for LINK type fields because that's where it would be most useful. But I changed the title because actually having the ability to display something different than what is contained in a custom field would be useful in general)

  • Currently when you define a Link type custom field, you can specify a Regexp which is then used to validate the field - very useful
  • You can also use the value in the URL field to build a URL - so you could add in an external ticket 12345 for example, and then the url would be built as - also very useful!
  • It would be good to add a DISPLAY regexp for a link field - because very often you want the user to be able to just copy a link in some external system, and allow them to paste that link right in the custom field, but when it displays, it shows just the regexp for that. For example -

Custom Link Field - Freshdesk
Custom Link Value -
Display Regexp (new field that I'm suggesting) - (?<=)\d+
Value displayed and linked - 12345 (but using the same full link as shown above)

I'm way back on my version of redmine, so maybe someone already did this, but if not, I think it would be very useful