


CLOSED - Need help for a particular problem (upgrade Debian 6 to 7)

Added by Angel Santos about 9 years ago

Hello Redmine specialists,

We are looking for a redmine specialist who can help us out in one particular problem.

The situation:
We have been happily using Redmine for many years on our system to control/track software development and for documentation.

The problem:
After upgrading from Debian squeeze to wheezy the redmine system is not functional anymore.

The working constellation was:
The redmine system had been installed on one separate virtual machine with Debian squeeze, lighttpd and mysql DB-server.
It was dedicated just for redmine only.

What we have tried so far ourselves:
After the upgrade the Debian System installed apache as web-server (no clue why), but we removed (uninstalled) it from the Debian wheezy system and made the lighttpd Web-Server as standard. Moreover we needed as well to create the directory and the file: /var/run/redmine/sockets/default/fcgi.socket
and change it to the owner/group : www-data/www-data as they are the user/group of redmine, to get lighttpd to work. But redmine is still not working.
Currently the server is accessible under Debian wheezy, but with a non-functional redmine.
When invoking redmine via a browser, the lighttpd log file shows the following errors:

2016-03-06 17:04:02: (mod_fastcgi.c.1732) connect failed: Connection refused on unix:/var/run/redmine/sockets/default/fcgi.socket-1
2016-03-06 17:04:02: (mod_fastcgi.c.3002) backend died; we'll disable it for 1 seconds and send the request to another backend instead: reconnects: 0 load: 1
2016-03-06 17:04:09: (mod_fastcgi.c.2543) unexpected end-of-file (perhaps the fastcgi process died): pid: 3465 socket: unix:/var/run/redmine/sockets/default/fcgi.socket-1
2016-03-06 17:04:09: (mod_fastcgi.c.3329) response not received, request sent: 1181 on socket: unix:/var/run/redmine/sockets/default/fcgi.socket-1 for /dispatch.fcgi?, closing connection

The job:
Solve the problem, so that we can access the redmine application again via Browser.
Either we provide you with ssh root access to the server or you provide us with instructions how to solve the problem.

If there is someone interested in doing this job, we would like a rough estimate of how much time would be needed. After that we can agree payment either on an hourly base or as a fixed sum.
We are located in Germany, therefore it would be necessary for the specialist to be able to write/speak English or German. We would also accept Spanish.

Hoping there is someone out there willing to support us, contact email-address: redmine@angel-inter-net

Best regards,
Angel Luis