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Redmine support in Greece
Added by Nikos Ponirakos almost 4 years ago
Hello to all,
On behalf of a client, in Greece, we are looking for an expert, or a very experienced user in order to support the Redmine platform (Maintenance, Updates, Fixes, etc) that my customer run.
Greeks are preferred due to native language.
Please send me private message if you are interested in.
Thanks in advance.
Replies (2)
RE: Redmine support in Greece
Added by James Brown over 3 years ago
I can most of this besides Japanese, but what about the salary. Ready to develop in the Japanese market
Now I wok for one of ssa office in New York and smth like that I do every day
If you want to speak with me, we can allco faces in this [[]social security office]
RE: Redmine support in Greece
Added by george AussieBoy almost 3 years ago
καλημέρα, αν θέλετε στείλτε μου email στο info(at)alo(dot)gr
είμαι προχωρημένος χρήστης, ξέρω να το στήσω από την αρχή, να κάνω backup/restore/update, να βάζω plugins κ.α.
ακόμα δεν φτιάχνω δικά μου plugin αλλά το παλεύω.