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looking for someone to help with setup redmine 4.2.3
Added by Mike Welson over 3 years ago
I'm looking for someone to help with setup redmine 4.2.3, here's some requirements:
- CentOS 8.0
- Nginx 1.14
- Ruby 2.7.4
- Mysql 8.0
- Needs to migrate from redmine 3.x db (mysql), and attachments.
You need to have solid experience in doing above setup and familiar with CentOS, please send me your experience with redmine setup and the quote for above task. The entire task will be done via remote desktop access using Anydesk on a Mac machine, from there the ssh access to the server will be allowed, and the entire process will be monitored.
Replies (1)
RE: looking for someone to help with setup redmine 4.2.3
Added by Seths rogers over 3 years ago
I would like to assist you with your requirement, please reach me at seth (@) cisinlabs (dot) com to discuss further.
Seth R