


looking for somebody to port redmine_openid_provider plugin to 4.x

Added by Harald Welte over 3 years ago

We're using the redmine_openid_provider plugin for many years on 3.x and want to upgrade to redmine 4.x but cannot due to the lack of a 4.x version of the plugin.

Given the miniature size of the plugin, this is probably a trivial task for anyone who knows what they're doing.

At osmocom we are a open source developer community, but just not with ruby/rails knowledge :(

See for pluging code

See for a description of failed attempts so far.

Replies (1)

RE: looking for somebody to port redmine_openid_provider plugin to 4.x - Added by Seths rogers over 3 years ago


I would like to assist you with your requirement, please reach me at seth (@) cisinlabs (dot) com to discuss further.

Seth R
