Defect #1153
closedGLoc::RuleNotFoundError after update to r1388
I just updated my working copy to r1388.
However, now I'm getting this exception in several places when using pt-br.yml:
GLoc::RuleNotFoundError in My#account¶
Showing my/_sidebar.rhtml where line #6 raised:
There is no rule called 'default' in the pt-br rules.
Extracted source (around line #6):
3: <p><%=l(:field_login)%>: <strong><%= @user.login %></strong><br /> 4: <%=l(:field_created_on)%>: <%= format_time(@user.created_on) %></p> 5: <% if @user.rss_token %> 6: <p><%= l(:label_feeds_access_key_created_on, distance_of_time_in_words(, @user.rss_token.created_on)) %> 7: (<%= link_to l(:button_reset), {:action => 'reset_rss_key'}, :method => :post %>)</p> 8: <% end %>
Trace of template inclusion: /my/account.rhtml
RAILS_ROOT: D:/Testes/Ruby/Aptana/Redmine
Application Trace | Framework Trace | Full Trace
vendor/plugins/gloc-1.1.0/lib/gloc-internal.rb:107:in `actual__l_rule' (eval):4:in `_l_rule' app/views/my/_sidebar.rhtml:6:in `_run_erb_47app47views47my47_sidebar46rhtml' app/views/my/account.rhtml:49:in `_run_erb_47app47views47my47account46rhtml' app/helpers/application_helper.rb:504:in `content_for' app/views/my/account.rhtml:48:in `_run_erb_47app47views47my47account46rhtml' -e:2:in `load' -e:2
This wasn't occurring in v0.6.
I compared my 'pt-br.yml' file with 'en.yml' and didn't find any significant change.
Using English language the exception didn't occurs.
I'm sending my 'pt-br.yml' file attached.
Updated by Jean-Philippe Lang almost 17 years ago
- File pt-br.yml pt-br.yml added
- Status changed from New to Closed
- Affected version (unused) deleted (
0.7.0) - Resolution set to Invalid
You have some extra bytes (non-ascii) at the very beginning of your file.
Removing these bytes fixed the problem (file is attached).
Btw, I saw you made some changes to the translation. Should I commit these changes in the repository ?
Updated by F. D. Castel almost 17 years ago
Thanks, JP!
Just for curiosity's sake: how did you find this extra bytes? Neither Eclipse, TortoiseDiff nor Notepad displays them. I had to use a binary editor to see them. Maybe they were appended by svnupdate or after conflict solve because of UTF-8 control bytes (but I cannot confirm).
Now it is working flawlessly.
About commit: please, be my guest. I did put a large effort on this file (6~8 hours in total) to make it the most accurate possible. We are using it in our production environment. The current /HEAD file is severely outdated (many messages missing when compared with 'en.yml'), has some errors and have no diacritics at all (which Portuguese language is heavily based on).
BTW: I found two missing diacriticals yesterday. I'm sending the latest file attached (if you prefer a patch, please tell me).
Best regards,