Feature #11707
openMoving comments/files from one issue to another
Sometimes we need to merge some aspects of an open issue to another. It would be nice if we could move some comments and files of an issue to another issue.
Updated by Aleksandr Gorlov almost 11 years ago
Espesially when Redmine is used as support platform. Users usually write comments to existing issue but it often occurs new tasks. In this case ability to move comments and files would be useful.
Maybe convert comment into new issue will be easier to develop?
Updated by Igor Panassiouk over 9 years ago
I'd like such option.
Users often doesn't care about right place to write
Updated by Mikhail Voronyuk over 9 years ago
Please try the plugin http://www.redmine.org/plugins/redmine_move_comments
Files movement not yet supported
Updated by Doruk Fişek over 9 years ago
Mikhail, does your plugin work with Redmine 3.x? At the plugin page it says Redmine 2.x only.
Updated by Mikhail Voronyuk over 9 years ago
Doruk, yes it does support Redmine 3.x. I've just check it under the Redmine 3.2.0.devel. I'll fix the description.