Defect #12420
closedURLs in notification emails do not include the sub-URI
I have Redmine working as configured in #11881, #12102, etc. Everything seems to be working except that issue URLs in the notification emails generated by Redmine do not include the sub-URI. For example...
instead of
Someone pointed this out to me recently (they got 404 error) so I went back in my email history and this problem started when I upgraded from Redmine 1.2.1 to 2.0.2. I don't know if other people with sub-URIs are having the same issue and don't know about it, or if this is actually working for them.
The call in the mailer is @issue_url = url_for(:controller => 'issues', :action => 'show',...
In my limited Ruby knowledge, I'm not sure how the result of this might be different from the urls generated for issues elsewhere in Redmine that seem to be working.
Redmine version 2.1.2.stable
Ruby version 1.9.2 (i386-mingw32)
Rails version 3.2.8
Database adapter Mysql2
Related issues
Updated by David Gesang over 11 years ago
We are having the same issue since updating to Redmine2. Is there a fix for this anywhere?
Environment: Redmine version 2.3.2.stable Ruby version 2.0.0-p247 (2013-06-27) [i686-linux] Rails version 3.2.13
Updated by Ivo Maixner over 10 years ago
Affected by the same issue.
In addition, if the issue has an attachment, the notification email contains a direct link to it, which is broken in the same way - it is missing the sub-URI prefix.
Environment: Redmine version 2.6.0.stable Ruby version 2.0.0-p594 (2014-10-27) [x86_64-linux] Rails version 3.2.19
Please provide a fix or a hint how to work around this.
Updated by Jean-Philippe Lang over 10 years ago
- Status changed from New to Closed
In Administation, Settings, General, enter your hostname and suburi in "Host name and path" (eg. hostname/suburi). Links in emails will use this setting.
Updated by Ivo Maixner over 10 years ago
I've just found out the same solution and came here to desribe it.
Anyways, I confirm this resolves the issue for me. Thank you.