Defect #12879
using commit keyword to update issue's status sets issue to a status that is not defined in the tracker.
I added a feature request in #12656 because the commit keyword that sets a special status should be configurable for each tracker.
For my workflows "feature requests" and "errors" have the status "ready for review / testing" before they can be closed. Closing tickets is done manually by the persons that do our software tests.
There is also a tracker "Simple Task" that does not have the status "ready for review / testing" included.
Our developers love the possibility to change the issue's state with a simple commit because they do not need to change a ticket manually and they also want to use this feature for their "simple tasks". The problem is that whenever they use the commit keyword for "Simple Tasks" the referenced issue is set to a status "ready for review" but this state is not defined in the tacker's (Simple Task) workflow.
Maybe this could be solved with #12656 or otherwise - if the status is not used in the workflow, the next status could be automatically set? (In my case: "Closed"). Another solution would be not to change the issues status if the status configured for the commit keyword does not exist - but this would not be the solution I would prefer ;-)
Thanks for your work!
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