Defect #13273
closedMaking a copied ticket a child of the copying ticket results in an infinite loop at server side
Target version:
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Need either of...
- Prevention on the form field
- Change in querying strategy against SQL backend
Updated by Toru Haraguchi about 12 years ago
How to reproduce
- Open a ticket "A"
- Click on "copy" link
- enter the ID of "A" into "parent ID" field on the form
- Click "send" button
Updated by Jean-Philippe Lang about 12 years ago
- Resolution set to Cant reproduce
Works for me. The child issue is created with its parent. Any plugins?
Updated by Toshi MARUYAMA about 12 years ago
- Status changed from New to Needs feedback
Updated by Toru Haraguchi about 12 years ago
Many plugins, but all in-house.
Will report what addition caused it, after investigating with outsource company.
Updated by Toru Haraguchi about 12 years ago
Firstly, "How to reproduce" was missing one important condition.
- Open a ticket "A" with one or more child ticket
- Click on "copy" link
- enter the ID of "A" into "parent ID" field on the form
- Click "send" button
Original Redmine 2.2.2 had different symptom, but no infinite loop .
The infinite loop was shown only after the patch trunk-r11262.diff is aplied.
Will report original Redmine 2.2.2 symptom on a separate ticket.
Updated by Jean-Philippe Lang about 12 years ago
Tested, works for me with current trunk.
Updated by Toshi MARUYAMA about 12 years ago
- Status changed from Needs feedback to Closed
- Resolution changed from Cant reproduce to Invalid
Toru Haraguchi wrote:
The infinite loop was shown only after the patch trunk-r11262.diff is aplied.
trunk-r11262.diff is in #1005#note-30.