Feature #13361
openAdd filter for issue status change
I'd like to have special filter to filter out all statuses that changed their status from X to Y.
Let's say we have issues that we resolved and later closed. When I want to create status report for a period (month) I would like to filter out all issues that status was changed from in progress to resolved during desired month period.
If i try to filter out closed issues some of them can fell to another month - resolved on January, closed on February.
Updated by Anonymous about 12 years ago
The simplest path for you here would be using a SQL query pointed right at Redmine's database. One of the journal tables in there will have a column like 'old_value' and 'value'. Have the query filter old to the status ID for In Progress, and filter value to the status ID for resolved. You can then filter the results by date either from a spreadsheet view later, or add the date filter to your SQL query.
Getting this sort of filter natively in Redmine would be challenging to design. I can imagine, when filtering on status, offering a 'was' choice...but getting the date of that change would not be easy to do in a user-friendly way.
One possible path, if it's still early in your project, would be grabbing the Custom Workflows plugin and writing a script that writes a date to a custom field whenever the status changes to Resolved. All resolved issues going forward would have an easily filtered date value for these reports.
Updated by Sikandar Ahmed almost 12 years ago
I have a status "Reopen". I require a filter through I can find that how many tickets are reopened and after that it was fixed in any release or build.
Currently there is no mechanism or any filter I can applied.
In Jira, I can find this with single liner query and got the results