Defect #1416
Inline code with less-then/greater-than produces @lt; and @gt; respectively
I tried to put the following in inline code
<Location /redmine>in a forum message and the result was <Location /redmine> e.g.
<Location /redmine>
Is this expected? Looks like a bug to me.
- Redmine-0.7.1
- Rails-2.0.2
- Ruby-1.8.6
Related issues
Updated by Brian Ericson over 16 years ago
Ran into the same thing. Simple workaround is to stop the inline, add the >, and continue the inline (ending it at the next > and resuming it afterward).
(ampersand)abc <123> xyz(ampersand) results in abc <123> xyz
(ampersand)abc(ampersand) <(ampersand)123(ampersand)> (ampersand) xyz(ampersand) gives you abc
> xyz
, which is what you want.
Updated by Brian Ericson over 16 years ago
Sorry -- "@" is not an (ampersand). Also, "add the ," should be "add the < or > characters," (if you follow a less than immediately by a greater than, redmine appears to not show it).
Updated by Jean-Baptiste Barth almost 16 years ago
- File redcloth_arobas.diff redcloth_arobas.diff added
- Affected version (unused) deleted (
0.7.1) - Affected version deleted (
The problem is redcloth parses twice these characters ; the first time it escapes all "<" and ">", no problem about that, but the second it traduces resulting "<" to "&lt;" (and so on), which is incorrect. It seems to me it's a redcloth problem, so I patched recloth lib to avoid second parsing. See attachment and let me know your opinion about that.
Updated by Jean-Philippe Lang about 15 years ago
- Category changed from Wiki to Text formatting
Updated by Anthony Groyer about 15 years ago
This works fine for inline code with @ separators. For
separators, this does not work.
Why not considering moving to RedCloth 4 that apparently fixes these 2 issues ?
Updated by Anthony Groyer about 15 years ago
This works fine for inline code with separators. For
> separators, this does not work.
Why not considering moving to RedCloth 4 that apparently fixes these 2 issues ?
Updated by Anthony Groyer about 15 years ago
In fact, the bug I described (with pre separators) appears when I use coderay-0.9.1 (for java syntax coloration) that I have copied manually in redmine/vendor/plugins.
I attached a patch of redcloth3.rb that seems to work.
Updated by Anthony Groyer almost 15 years ago
Anthony Groyer wrote:
In fact, the bug I described (with pre separators) appears when I use coderay-0.9.1 (for java syntax coloration) that I have copied manually in redmine/vendor/plugins.
I attached a patch of redcloth3.rb that seems to work.
This patch solves the issue when the < and > are between a
<pre><code class="..."> </code>tags but create a bug when they are used in
<pre> </pre>tags.
Updated by Jean-Philippe Lang almost 15 years ago
- Subject changed from Include code and less-then/greater-than produces @lt; and @gt; respectively to Inline code with less-then/greater-than produces @lt; and @gt; respectively
- Status changed from New to Closed
- Target version set to 1.0.0 (RC)
- Resolution set to Fixed
The initial defect (< > inside inline code) is fixed by applying Jean-Baptiste's patch in r3567.
Anthony, your problem seems different and your patch breaks a few tests.
Updated by Luc Vandenbroucke over 11 years ago
I do have about the same problem with lines starting with a space
like this