Feature #14255
openincoming e-mail truncation before processing issue atributes
I have noticed some misbehavior when receiving replays on issue notifications. Each notification contains issue's current attributes. If some replied on previous notification after status changing, the issue attributes changed back. Looks like received e-mail processor track attributes before truncating e-mail.
1. Status:new -> Notification Nr.1
2. RE:Nr.1 status: in progress (result -> status:in progress)
3. RE:Nr.1 (some comment) -> Result: comment added, status changed to New
Receiving e-mails using imap
Redmine version 2.3.1.stable.11910
Ruby version 2.0.0 (x86_64-linux)
Rails version 3.2.13
Updated by Paresh Patel almost 12 years ago
Sergejs Degtjars wrote:
I have noticed some misbehavior when receiving replays on issue notifications. Each notification contains issue's current attributes. If some replied on previous notification after status changing, the issue attributes changed back. Looks like received e-mail processor track attributes before truncating e-mail.
1. Status:new -> Notification Nr.1
2. RE:Nr.1 status: in progress (result -> status:in progress)
3. RE:Nr.1 (some comment) -> Result: comment added, status changed to NewReceiving e-mails using imap
Redmine version 2.3.1.stable.11910
Ruby version 2.0.0 (x86_64-linux)
Rails version 3.2.13
hello frnds
you have using sendmail then your problem is solve ..
smtp is some time notification error occcour but you using sendmail then your problem solve ..