



Feature #14435


Issue Summary Edit Feature

Added by Brian Rose over 11 years ago. Updated over 2 years ago.

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It would be nice if you could edit some fields directly from the Issue Summary page. Perhaps have a configuration widget that allows you to control which fields are visible and editable on the summary page.

This would be helpful in our status meetings where we discuss the various items that are on the list. Clicking into issues, then clicking the edit button, editing, and returning to the issue summary page is a bit of a distraction and has derailed some conversations.

I see this working as follows.
1) Edit the Summary Edit configuration to show what fields you would like to display and edit on the page.
2) When the page is rendered, each issue would be in a box with the displayable and editable fields in it, along with an Update button.
3) Users could scoll to their issue of interest, edit it and press the update button.
4) An "Update All" button would also be useful to allow the users to edit multiple issues and send them in batches.

Actions #1

Updated by langdead yang over 10 years ago

I miss this feature too. It would make it more efficient for PM.

Actions #2

Updated by Jean-Baptiste Barth over 10 years ago

Did you notice some fields are already directly editable through the contextual menu ? In issue lists, you can right click on an issue line (outside links, on a blank space) and you will have a contextual menu to directly change some fields. As far as I know this menu contains every easily editable fields (booleans, lists of choices, etc.).

Actions #3

Updated by Michael Stanek over 2 years ago

Hi, at Redminex, we released a plugin that does that. Inline Edit Issue List. Edit Redmine issues without page reload from the issue list, search issues on the fly, see avatars, parent/child structure, etc.
This a top-notch plugin anyone can benefit from. Check it out.

Michael from



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