



Feature #1500


Feature request: assign issue to multiple users

Added by Chaoqun Zou over 16 years ago. Updated almost 9 years ago.

Target version:
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Since we are using redmine more for issue tracking and task assignment in our team, I have found that the ability to assign a issue to multiple users is very imporment. Especially for task assignment in the daily management, because there are a lot of task need more than one user to complete. For example, 'please report your next month's working plan'.

Maybe some current users of redmine don't think this feature is important, but I think that this feature will extend redmine's application domain much more.

Related issues

Is duplicate of Redmine - Feature #408: Assign a task to multiple usersClosed

Actions #1

Updated by Paul Rivier over 16 years ago

Assignee is the person who is responsible to carry the issue to the next step, or next "status". In your example, what would be the current status and the next status, what should each person do about that ?
I guess you can either submit this type of request as an e-mail, or as a news. Or better, as an issue then assign this issue to someone who is responsible to make sure all working plan have been reported.
In other words, what we are talking about here is more about workflow generally speaking, and less about specific feature not implemented in redmine. So please design precisely the workflow you want, then let us know. Cheers

Actions #2

Updated by Thomas Lecavelier over 16 years ago

  • Target version deleted (0.7.2)

Please don't do drugs: you mess the roadmap.

Actions #3

Updated by Chaoqun Zou over 16 years ago

Thomas Lecavelier wrote:

Please don't do drugs: you mess the roadmap.

sorry about that, is it a defect?
I mean user should not be able to select a completed version in the target version?

Actions #4

Updated by Chaoqun Zou over 16 years ago

And I have had a look at the roadmap. There will be a User groups feature in version 0.8, does it means that a group of user can be assigned to one issue?

Actions #5

Updated by Jean-Philippe Lang over 16 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Closed
  • Resolution set to Duplicate

Please, discuss about this feature in the original request #408.

Actions #6

Updated by Al Pocheche almost 9 years ago


Actions #7

Updated by Toshi MARUYAMA almost 9 years ago

Do not post to closed issue as duplicate.


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