Feature #15318
Workflow Configuration
I'd like to see the option to configure a custom workflow template, linked to a Tracker, which can be assigned to one or more Roles.
For example, once a series of Statuses have been created, one or more custom Workflows could be configured, each of which could then be assigned to a Role/Tracker in place of the current table of checkboxes. This would allow for the same system flow options without having to manually copy settings to each new or updated workflow setup.
If my explanation is unclear in anyway, please let me know and I'll provide a simple example to go along with it.
Updated by Anonymous over 11 years ago
Apologies, I made a mistake in my post edit before creating this request.
The "once a series of Trackers have been created..." line from the second paragraph should actually read "once a series of Statuses have been created...".
Updated by Toshi MARUYAMA over 11 years ago
Andre Greeff wrote:
Apologies, I made a mistake in my post edit before creating this request.
The "once a series of Trackers have been created..." line from the second paragraph should actually read "once a series of Statuses have been created...".
Updated by Anonymous about 11 years ago
While I would still love to get some feedback on my idea, I have in the meantime managed to work out a system that allows for a primitive type of "workflow template".. Thought I'd share it here in the comments in case anybody else comes looking for something like this.
I have a few hidden trackers (not assigned to any projects, essentially invisible to the public) in which I've created a few example workflows. When I create a new role or updating an existing one, I can easily apply my "template" by copying settings from one of the hidden trackers to the new/updated one, helping to keep all Status Transition and Field Permission settings clean and consistent across the board.