Defect #16126
closedRegexp in time logging match does not work
It looks like time (e.g. @5m or @0.5hours) in commit's comments are not recognize in Redmine 2.4.3.
I've tried different formats, but no luck.
My setup is: Redmine 2.4.3, Ruby 2.0.0-p247, Rails 3.2.15, git, gitlab 6.5.1
Investigation showed that regexp in app/models/changeset.rb is somehow not correct, because var hours always empty.
def scan_comment_for_issue_ids
return if comments.blank?
# keywords used to reference issues
ref_keywords = Setting.commit_ref_keywords.downcase.split(",").collect(&:strip)
ref_keywords_any = ref_keywords.delete('*')
# keywords used to fix issues
fix_keywords = {|r| r['keywords']}.flatten.compact
kw_regexp = (ref_keywords + fix_keywords).collect{|kw| Regexp.escape(kw)}.join("|")
referenced_issues = []
comments.scan(/([\s\(\[,-]|^)((#{kw_regexp})[\s:]+)?(#\d+(\s+@#{TIMELOG_RE})?([\s,;&]+#\d+(\s+@#{TIMELOG_RE})?)*)(?=[[:punct:]]|\s|<|$)/i) do |match|
action, refs = match[2].to_s.downcase, match[3]
next unless action.present? || ref_keywords_any
refs.scan(/#(\d+)(\s+@#{TIMELOG_RE})?/).each do |m|
issue, hours = find_referenced_issue_by_id(m[0].to_i), m[2]
if issue
referenced_issues << issue
# Don't update issues or log time when importing old commits
unless repository.created_on && committed_on && committed_on < repository.created_on
fix_issue(issue, action) if fix_keywords.include?(action)
log_time(issue, hours) if hours && Setting.commit_logtime_enabled?
TIMELOG_RE here is
kw_regexp here is
pre-regexp here is
full-regexp here is
([\s\(\[,-]|^)((refs|references|issueid|fixes|closes|fixed)[\s:]+)?(#\d+(\s+@(((\d+)(h|hours?))((\d+)(m|min)?)?|((\d+)(h|hours?|m|min))|(\d+):(\d+)|(\d+([\.,]\d+)?)h?))?([\s,;&]+#\d+(\s+@(((\d+)(h|hours?))((\d+)(m|min)?)?|((\d+)(h|hours?|m|min))|(\d+):(\d+)|(\d+([\.,]\d+)?)h?))?)*)(?=[[:punct:]]|\s|<|$)I've tried online regexp testers for mentioned full-regexp and try to test string refs #42 test @53m supertest, and none parsed this regexp as it supposed to be parsed:
- (yes, I know that this parser is for Javascript) shows match as:
1. `` 2. `refs` 3. `refs` 4. `#42`
- shows match as:
1. 2. refs 3. refs 4. #42
So, no time in match.
I believe that there is a mistake or mistype in regexp, because this regexp matched correctly:
From here:
Related issues
Updated by Jean-Philippe Lang about 11 years ago
- Status changed from New to Needs feedback
- Resolution set to Cant reproduce
Please, try to provide a way to reproduce. There are tests for that and they pass:
Make sure that "Enable time logging" is enabled in application settings and that your issue ids in commit messages are recognized.
Updated by Sergei Plaxienko almost 11 years ago
Jean-Philippe Lang wrote:
We've tried next commit messages:Please, try to provide a way to reproduce. There are tests for that and they pass:
- Test empty commit in issue #24 test 01 @15m
Commit message is not recognized, so no time was logged. - Test empty commit refs #24 test 02 @15min
Commit message is recognized, but no time was logged. - refs #24 empty test 03 commit @3:15
Commit message is recognized, but no time was logged. - refs #24 empty test 04 commit @3.25h
Commit message is recognized, but no time was logged.
Make sure that "Enable time logging" is enabled in application settings and that your issue ids in commit messages are recognized.
Option Enable time logging in the application's settings Administration->Settings->Repositories is enabled.
Option Activity for logged time in the application's settings Administration->Settings->Repositories is changed from Default to Development.
Option Development in the project's Settings->Activities (time tracking) is Active and enabled as System Activity.
Updated by Jean-Philippe Lang almost 11 years ago
- Status changed from Needs feedback to Closed
- Resolution changed from Cant reproduce to Invalid
The time must follow the issue number. Just a space but no extra word.
Incorrect: Test empty commit in issue #24 test 01 @15m Correct: Test empty commit in issue #24 @15m
Updated by Toshi MARUYAMA almost 11 years ago
- Has duplicate Defect #16105: Time Tracking doesn't work from git commits added