Feature #16500
openIssue number aliases
Redmine uses a global issue number allocation scheme for various reasons.
Other trackers such as Jira support a project specific prefix such as "PROJ-321".
While I'm not asking for issue numbers to be overlapping, supporting per-project issue alias strings will make it easier to identify the project from a reference : commit logs, etc. without having to go to redmine each time.
So issue # 321 could be aliases as "PROJ-321", at least in the URL for external links, and displayed to the user as such on Wiki etc.
For tickets moved across projects, I suggest the old alias just warns the user but continues as the issue number should still be the same.
Updated by Ebrahim Mohammadi almost 11 years ago
This plugin might help: http://projects.andriylesyuk.com/project/redmine/issue-id
Updated by Slawomir CALUCH over 9 years ago
Actually ISSUE-ID worked perfectly for most of us until redmine 3.
The plugin doesn't replace the ID of the issue. It lets you specify an optional unique key for each project. It adds an this key and an additional project issue id.
For example issue #**321** will become #PROJ-1 if it's the first issue in the current project ant if the issue key is PROJ.
But the issue is still accessible through its original ID.
If the project has no issue key the issues will not be aliassed.
It would be great if we had the same behaviour in stock redmine. The author of the plugin doesn't seem to be maintaining it anymore :(