Feature #16712
closedCreate an up-to-date documentation for Redmine on Heroku
The old description seems very old and a lot has changed in the meantime. I would really appreciate it a lot, if there would be a new and up-to-date documentation for non-rails-pros how to deploy Redmine to Heroku.
Updated by Sandro Kolly over 10 years ago
- Status changed from New to Resolved
Ok, after months of try-and-fail I was finally able to do it.
As it's my first Rails application i had no idea of how to do it, so I looked for different tutorials. Finally here my own:
- http://railsguides.net/2012/04/28/how-to-deploy-redmine-to-heroku/
- http://tygertown.us/redmine-on-heroku/
First i got the newest stable version of Redmine (2.5 at this time)
git clone https://github.com/redmine/redmine.git -b 2.5-stable
Edit: Navigate into your project with your terminal:
cd redmine
Then as everywhere, we have to remove those files from .gitignore
Gemfile.lock Gemfile.local public/plugin_assets config/initializers/session_store.rb config/initializers/secret_token.rb config/configuration.yml config/email.yml
As I always had problems with the database, I just removed this whole block from the Gemfile
database_file = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "config/database.yml") if File.exist?(database_file) database_config = YAML::load(ERB.new(IO.read(database_file)).result) ... else warn("No adapter found in config/database.yml, please configure it first") end else warn("Please configure your config/database.yml first") end
and added instead just this to the Gemfile
group :production do # gems specifically for Heroku go here gem "pg", ">= 0.11.0" end
Then finally install the gems. Don't get confused by log messages like "Please configure your config/database.yml first", heroku will do that for you
bundle install
Now get the secret token with
bundle exec rake generate_secret_token
Next, you create a app at heroku (we're supposing you are already registered at heroku and all that it brings with it)
heroku create NAME_FOR_YOUR_APPTo avoid aborting when deploying to heroku, we have to do the following two steps:
- In config/environment.rb we have to remove (or comment) line 10, where it says
exit 1
- In config/application.rb we have to add an additional line between line 13 and line 14 and add this: config.assets.initialize_on_precompile = false and it should look like this
... 12: module RedmineApp 13: class Application < Rails::Application 14: config.assets.initialize_on_precompile = false 15: # Settings in config/environments/* take precedence over those specified here. ...
Now we are finally ready to commit our changes
git add -A git commit -m “prepping for heroku” git push heroku 2.5-stable:master
Now just get the database ready and chose the default language, when you are asked
heroku run rake db:migrate heroku run rake redmine:load_default_data
There you go, open your redmine and log in with your credentials
heroku open
Your username is admin and your password is admin as well.
For E-Mail configurations, check the referenced Tutorials.
There you go...
Updated by Etienne Massip over 10 years ago
Thanks, could you please create an howto in wiki?
Updated by Sandro Kolly over 10 years ago
Etienne Massip wrote:
Tanks, could you please create an howto in wiki?
Done, but as you can see maybe I did an error and opened a second version (>2.5.x), now i cant delete the first one (>25) that isn't linked in the How-To's.
Maybe you can help me out here
Updated by Toshi MARUYAMA over 10 years ago
- Status changed from Resolved to Closed