Defect #17770
openvery simple fix: that causes many sites to break, and much confusion - incorrect use of .js suffix
Redmine by default, does something bad: it uses (in certain places only) the .js file extension for files that contain user content. ie files that should not be cached.
A small change should be made, to stop using the .js extension in these specific places.
Many Redmine users, configure Apache/Nginx to cache-in-the-browser all static files, such as .css and .js.
And the obvious config: is to look for files name *.js or *.css.
But those users will experience problems, that they then post here about (see list at the end).
It is a hard thing to diagnose -because the connection between the apache.nginx change and these specific, local problems: is not obvious.
It happens alot, so fixing this will save many people pain.
When people add a Nginx or Apache config to cache all .js files - at first everything seems to work... but then a day or more later they will notice a problem: it will happen on one of a few specific places
a) Click 'edit' on an existing journal in an issue
(the js file created is eg 24174.js where 24174 is the journal number: the AJAX call is:
b) Uploading a file to an Issue
Having selected the file in the Browse button: this file is called, (which contains the image file being sent to the server)
List of Tickets on that are definitely to this issue
Can't upload image #13564
Nginx Configuration (with Phusion Passenger) to set Expiration Headers
Unable to edit issue journal messages in Redmine 2.3.1 #14150
Unable to edit notes/answers in issues
Related issues
Updated by dj jones over 10 years ago
Added Wiki page to explain the Browser caching complexities in Redmine
Updated by Toshi MARUYAMA over 7 years ago
- Related to Defect #15560: RJS leaking added
Updated by Toshi MARUYAMA over 7 years ago
- Has duplicate Defect #27560: RJS is messing up Nginx proxy for static files added