Defect #18754
openempty svn logentry crashes revision batch reading
If svn xml log contains logentry without data the revision reading is interruped and no error message is written to redmine logs.
Revisions are read from xml returned from command:
svn log --xml ...
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<msg>test commit</msg>
for revision 2177 is empty - there is no author
, msg
and date
But the code assumes that revision
, date
and msg
exist in logentry
This is the code from lib/redmine/scm/adapters/subversion_adapter.rb
, lines 175-196:
doc = parse_xml(output)
each_xml_element(doc['log'], 'logentry') do |logentry|
revisions <<{:identifier => logentry['revision'],
:author => (logentry['author'] ? logentry['author']['__content__'] : ""),
:time => Time.parse(logentry['date']['__content__'].to_s).localtime,
:message => logentry['msg']['__content__'],
:paths => paths
If <msg>
does not exist the logentry['msg']
returns nil
. The call logentry['msg']['__content__']
becomes nil['__content__']
and exception is thrown (then it is ignored and it is ignored outside loop...).
The existing of logentry['author']
is checked before reading logentry['author']['__content__']
. It should be done before reading date
and msg
also. For example:
revisions <<{:identifier => logentry['revision'],
:author => (logentry['author'] ? logentry['author']['__content__'] : ""),
:time => (logentry['date'] ? Time.parse(logentry['date']['__content__'].to_s).localtime : nil),
:message => (logentry['msg'] ? logentry['msg']['__content__'] : ""),
:paths => paths
Why there are empty revisions in svn log? This is when revision has only files which are not visible for user performing svn log
command. Propably it's a rare case.
Related issues
Updated by Michał Król about 10 years ago
My environment:
Environment: Redmine version 2.6.0.stable.13735 Ruby version 1.9.3-p194 (2012-04-20) [x86_64-linux] Rails version 3.2.21 Environment production Database adapter Mysql2 SCM: Subversion 1.6.17 Git Filesystem Redmine plugins: redmine_checklists 3.0.2 redmine_close_button 0.0.8
Updated by Jaap de Haan about 7 years ago
We face this issue often because the repository we use contains protected data along with the actual project data. This happens actually very often, provided you have some permission management inside svn. I think this is not awkward or a special case at all and should be fixed.
Updated by Stephan Wiehr about 7 years ago
I created a patch to address this problem, instead of bailing out for the whole batch any empty log entries are skipped and a message is logged (loglevel INFO)
Updated by Toshi MARUYAMA about 7 years ago
- Related to Defect #3663: Problem with subversion logentry without date nor author. added
Updated by Toshi MARUYAMA about 7 years ago
- Related to Patch #7086: Few fixes for subversion added
Updated by Toshi MARUYAMA about 7 years ago
Stephan Wiehr wrote:
I created a patch to address this problem, instead of bailing out for the whole batch any empty log entries are skipped and a message is logged (loglevel INFO)
I think logging is reasonable, but discrete revision causes another problem.
I think re-raising exception with logging is better.
Updated by Stephan Wiehr almost 7 years ago
Toshi MARUYAMA wrote:
Stephan Wiehr wrote:
I created a patch to address this problem, instead of bailing out for the whole batch any empty log entries are skipped and a message is logged (loglevel INFO)
I think logging is reasonable, but discrete revision causes another problem.
I think re-raising exception with logging is better.
The current code just stops processing further logentries and then consumes the exception in an unconditional begin ... rescue end block.
The provided patch is meant not only to log but also to enable continuation of the logentry processing.
Current code:
begin doc = parse_xml(output) each_xml_element(doc['log'], 'logentry') do |logentry| [code where exception occurs] end rescue end
Code with patch:
begin doc = parse_xml(output) each_xml_element(doc['log'], 'logentry') do |logentry| begin [code where exception occurs] rescue "Skipped svn revision ##{logentry['revision']} due to parse error" if logentry && logentry['revision'] end end rescue end
I don't see how re-raising the exception would help here.