Defect #18918
closedGrouping label for "none" should be changed to "null", "No Value", or" (blank) ".
This is the brother ticket of #18894. (see #18894-5 ).
In the query with "Group results by" a boolean filed, both "No" and "(blank, or to say, not specified)" are grouped under same name (label) of "none" collapse/expand indicator lines.
This happens if the boolean field is not defined as "required".
Boolean field which is not defined as "required" contains 3 values, "Yes", "No" and "(blank, or to say, not specified)", so it is better to be grouped in different label names.
Could it be changed the label of "none" for "(blank, or to say, not specified)" value to the other one ?
The candidate strings are "null", "No Value", or"(blank)".
- Notes on translation
I am afraid translation texts may be affected when changing the label text strings. For example, "none" is translated to "なし" in Japanese. If the string is "null", it may be translated to "空".
- Reported version
Redmine 2.5.0.stable. Details are as follows. - Test redmine (Windows7)
Environment: Redmine version 2.5.0.stable Ruby version 1.9.3-p231 (2012-05-25) [i386-mingw32] Rails version 3.2.17 Environment production Database adapter Mysql2
- Production redmine (Linux)
Environment: Redmine version 2.5.0.stable Ruby version 1.9.3-p484 (2013-11-22) [x86_64-linux] Rails version 3.2.17 Environment production Database adapter PostgreSQL
Updated by Jean-Philippe Lang about 10 years ago
- Subject changed from Grouping of Boolean field: Grouping label for "none" should be changed to "null", "No Value", or" (blank) ". to Grouping label for "none" should be changed to "null", "No Value", or" (blank) ".
- Category changed from Custom fields to Issues
- Status changed from New to Closed
- Assignee set to Jean-Philippe Lang
- Target version set to 3.0.0
- Resolution set to Fixed
Label changed in r13979 and set to "(blank)"
Updated by kaz k about 10 years ago
Jean-Philippe Lang wrote:
Label changed in r13979 and set to "(blank)"
"(blank)" is appropriate, I think.
Thank you very much to you all of