Feature #19047
closedEmail notification per project
Could it be possible to have different settings of "Email notification" between different project ?
For instance, i would like that project A is notified by email on "Issue is added" but i would like that project B is notified by email on "Issue is added" & "Status Updated"
Best regards
Related issues
Updated by Grischa Zengel about 10 years ago
Do you have different roles between this projects?
I would prefer to force or deny to get emails for different roles.
Updated by Sébastien ZAJAC about 10 years ago
I understand your very good idea.
At this time, we don't have different roles between projects.
If we do that, how can we force or deny email sending for different roles ?
best regards,
Updated by Grischa Zengel about 10 years ago
This feature doesn't exist.
But I prefer a solution with roles, because not every member of a project needs an email or some people with special roles have always to get mails.
Updated by Sébastien ZAJAC about 10 years ago
I would prefered a solution based on mail notification activation per project.
If you think that per role is more appropriate, it's OK for me. We will test.
When this solution could be implemented ?
Updated by Toshi MARUYAMA almost 10 years ago
- Status changed from New to Closed
- Resolution set to Duplicate
Duplicate of #7349.
Updated by Toshi MARUYAMA almost 10 years ago
- Is duplicate of Feature #7349: Per-project email notification settings added