



Feature #1912


Forum topics need "unwatch" ability

Added by Jay Levitt over 16 years ago. Updated over 16 years ago.

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I'm an end user of Cocoabot's Redmine installation. I had posted a message to their forum a few months back, and now I realize that there's no way to prevent e-mail notifications on topics I've posted to. Ack! That's not only a pain, but it's bound to reduce people's activity in the community. Who wants to commit permanently to receiving update e-mails?

I hope this can be fixed soon. I know that SVN HEAD has unwatch support for issues, but apparently not for forum topics.

Related issues

Has duplicate Redmine - Feature #3144: Stop watching a threadClosed2009-04-08

Actions #1

Updated by Jean-Philippe Lang over 16 years ago

Actually, you can watch/unwatch an entire forum but not a single topic.
When a message is added to an existing topic, all these users are notified:
  • project members (depending on their preferences)
  • users who watch the forum
  • users who have ever posted a message in the topic
Instead, we could add watch/unwatch functionality at topic level and automatically add as watchers the users who reply to the topic. Notifications would be sent to:
  • project members (depending on their preferences)
  • users who watch the forum
  • users who watch the topic

This way, you could unwatch a topic even if you posted a message into it.
What do you think ?

Actions #2

Updated by Jay Levitt over 16 years ago

Yep, I think that's the right way to do it - and, to make it seamless, you could

(a) have a checkbox, defaulted to "yes", to watch the topic when you post to it, and
(b) have an upgrade script set the per-topic checkboxes based on who's posted so far (so that, when you upgrade, everyone who was getting those notifications so far will still get them).

Other forums (Invision and, I think, vBulletin) have the per-topic watches set up that way, and it works well.

Actions #3

Updated by Jean-Philippe Lang over 16 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Closed
  • Target version set to 0.8
  • Resolution set to Fixed

Functionality added in r1878.

(b) is done via a regular database migration.
(a) is not implemented yet but users can easily unwatch the topic by clicking the Unwatch link. It may be added in the future.


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