Feature #19300
openProjects Dropdown Field for Issues - Sorting/Ordering or Dynamic Searching of Projects
Project Quick Jump Dropdown List - Sorting¶
Many of our users would like to see the list of projects when editing issues to be sorted, sort-able, or searchable.
- Table of contents
- Project Quick Jump Dropdown List - Sorting
It looks like it is ordered in the same way the projects list page is ordered.
The problem with this is that once we have a lot of projects and sub-projects, the list is extremely hard for most users to use.
This applies particularly to instances where you want to edit the "Project" field for an issue.
Moving the issue to another project or copying an issue to another project is extremely difficult due to the sort order.
I propose that the dropdown list be sort-able by the user in some fashion or to have a search capability.
Any method that makes it easier for the user to find the project that they need to move or copy the issue to.
In its current state, moving or copying issues is extremely hard to do due to the number of projects and sub-projects.
This is another one of our biggest and most common complaint from the end-user group. It is very similar to the custom fields sort order for the "add filter" dropdown and the projects quick jump dropdown.
Related issues
Updated by Toshi MARUYAMA almost 10 years ago
- Related to Feature #19299: Project Quick Jump Dropdown - Sorting/Ordering or Dynamic Searching of Current User's Projects added
Updated by James H over 7 years ago
we've had to disable the issue copying permission, moving issues permission, and the Project workflow field for all users/roles due to the complaints on difficulty in using the "Project" field.
Updated by Toshi MARUYAMA over 7 years ago
- Related to Feature #19298: "Add Filter" - Sort/Order of Fields added