



Feature #1948


Display Git Submodule

Added by Leandro Nunes dos Santos Nunes over 16 years ago. Updated almost 7 years ago.

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Redmine should provide to users a way to navigate on git submodules. Actually it displays a submodule as a simple file. I think redmine should navigate on submodules as part of the project.


git-submodule-view.patch (2.46 KB) git-submodule-view.patch Bastian Lüttig, 2018-02-28 16:10
Actions #1

Updated by Nicolas Chuche over 16 years ago

Leandro Nunes dos Santos Nunes wrote:

Redmine should provide to users a way to navigate on git submodules. Actually it displays a submodule as a simple file. I think redmine should navigate on submodules as part of the project.

An example so that I could understand the problem ? I don't really use git.

Actions #2

Updated by Eric Davis over 16 years ago

  • Target version deleted (0.9.0)

Nicolas Chuche wrote:

An example so that I could understand the problem ? I don't really use git.

A git submodule is basically a pointer to another git repository. If you are familar with svn, they are simialr to svn externals.


This proposal is asking for Redmine to pull in the submodules so their contents can be browsed in Redmine.

Actions #3

Updated by James Turnbull over 15 years ago


Actions #4

Updated by Kiall Mac Innes over 15 years ago

another +1 .. I'd love to see this.

Actions #5

Updated by Anonymous over 15 years ago

I would not want the content from submodules to be pulled into the super project. If one is interested on the code of (one or more) submodules, they should be tracked as their own (separate) redmine projects.

A special icon to point out that a certain file is a submodule pointer is perfect imho. A click could go to the repo (if it's here). Github does the same (e.g. dataset in radiant vendor plugins).

Actions #6

Updated by Dominik Wild over 15 years ago

Hans-Peter Suter wrote:

I would not want the content from submodules to be pulled into the super project. If one is interested on the code of (one or more) submodules, they should be tracked as their own (separate) redmine projects.

I totally agree with Hans-Peter. We are tracking submodules with redmine subprojets, which works perfectly.

Actions #8

Updated by Bob Bottle over 14 years ago


Actions #9

Updated by Renzo Meister about 14 years ago

+1 for "A special icon to point out that a certain file is a submodule pointer is perfect imho. A click could go to the repo (if it's here)."

Actions #10

Updated by Kaspars Sprogis over 13 years ago

Any updates on this?
+1 from me too

Actions #11

Updated by Bastian Lüttig almost 7 years ago


I have written a patch for displaying submodules and linking them to the repository.

add main repository,
add submodules with identifier being the submodule name as integrated into main repository


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