



Feature #20595


Hierarchical Numbering on headers

Added by Adnan Topçu over 9 years ago. Updated almost 8 years ago.

Text formatting
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Numbering support on header is very useful feature to write the big wiki pages. I can't find this feature in redmine. :(

Following images is from

I want to this. :)


screen_shot.JPG (16.2 KB) screen_shot.JPG Adnan Topçu, 2015-08-21 20:14
numbered headers with css from post 4.png (15.4 KB) numbered headers with css from post 4.png Stéphane Champeau, 2017-05-02 14:41
numbered headers with css from post 5.png (12.6 KB) numbered headers with css from post 5.png Stéphane Champeau, 2017-05-02 14:41
Actions #1

Updated by Toshi MARUYAMA over 9 years ago

  • Category set to Text formatting
Actions #3

Updated by Jürgen Depicker over 8 years ago

Hello, I don't consider this resolved, or am missing something to make it resolved. Can you please reopen this till it is implemented?

Actions #4

Updated by Stéphane Champeau about 8 years ago


this is my version of numberedheaders


/* */
/* counter(x): number x*/
/* counters(x,str),  all counter with separator ( x.y.z.... )*/
/* Limit to .toc */
UL { counter-reset: item }
.toc LI { display: block }
.toc LI:before { content: counters(item, ".") " "; counter-increment: item }

/* .wiki  {  counter-reset: h1 h2 h3 h4 h5;  } : works only in wiki page, not in html export as there is no more wiki class */
/* body   {  counter-reset: h1 h2 h3 h4 h5; }  : works in html export but in wiki page add numbered number in project name  */

/* The wiki must have the first h1. right afert the {{toc}} */
ul.toc + a + h1 {  counter-reset: h1 h2 h3 h4 h5; } /*: works in wiki and html export. The wiki must be : .... {{toc}}  h1. first numbered h1 ...... */

ul.toc ~ h1 {     counter-reset:    h2 h3 h4 h5;  }
ul.toc ~ h1::before {    counter-increment:  h1;    content: counter(h1) ". "  ;  }

ul.toc ~ h2 {     counter-reset:       h3 h4 h5;  }
ul.toc ~ h2::before {    counter-increment:  h2;    content: counter(h1) "." counter(h2) ". ";}

ul.toc ~ h3 {     counter-reset:          h4 h5;  }
ul.toc ~ h3::before {    counter-increment:  h3;    content: counter(h1) "." counter(h2) "." counter(h3) ". ";}

ul.toc ~ h4 {    counter-reset:              h5; }
ul.toc ~ h4::before {    counter-increment:  h4;    content: counter(h1) "." counter(h2) "." counter(h3) "." counter(h4,lower-latin) ". ";}



h1. first numbered 


works in wiki and html export but breaks the pdf export with this error

Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 1032ms (ActiveRecord: 48.4ms)

ActionView::Template::Error (undefined method `attrib' for #<Redmine::Export::PDF::ITCPDF:0xb37205e8>):
    1: <%= raw wiki_page_to_pdf(@page, @project) %>
  lib/redmine/export/pdf.rb:95:in `RDMwriteFormattedCell'
  lib/redmine/export/pdf/wiki_pdf_helper.rb:79:in `write_wiki_page'
  lib/redmine/export/pdf/wiki_pdf_helper.rb:55:in `wiki_page_to_pdf'
  app/views/wiki/show.pdf.erb:1:in `_app_views_wiki_show_pdf_erb___751018598__644180978'
  lib/redmine/sudo_mode.rb:63:in `sudo_mode'

Actions #5

Updated by Adnan Topçu almost 8 years ago

Below is more complicated version. headers and items are together.

h1 { counter-reset: h1s; }  

h2 { counter-reset: h2s; }  
h2::before {  
    content: counter(h1s) ". ";  
    counter-increment: h1s;  

h3 { counter-reset: h3s; }  
h3::before { 
    content: counter(h1s) "." counter(h2s) ". ";  
    counter-increment: h2s;  

h4 { counter-reset: h4s; }  
h4::before {  
    content: counter(h1s) "." counter(h2s) "." counter(h3s) ". ";  
    counter-increment: h3s;  

h5 { counter-reset: h5s; }  
h5::before {  
    content: counter(h1s) "." counter(h2s) "." counter(h3s) "."  counter(h4s) ". ";  
    counter-increment: h4s;  

h6 { counter-reset: h6s; }
h6::before {  
    content: counter(h1s) "." counter(h2s) "." counter(h3s) "."  counter(h4s) "."  counter(h5s) ". ";  
    counter-increment: h5s;  

h1 + ol, h1 + p + ol, h1 + ol li ol , h1 + p + ol li ol { counter-reset:section; list-style-type:none; padding-left: 0px; }  
h1 + ol li, h1 + p + ol li, h1 + ol li ol li , h1 + p + ol li ol li { counter-increment:section;}  
h1 + ol li:before, h1 + p + ol li:before, h1 + ol li ol li:before , h1 + p + ol li ol li:before { content: counters(section, '.') '. ';}

h2 + ol, h2 + p + ol, h2 + ol li ol , h2 + p + ol li ol { counter-reset:section; list-style-type:none; padding-left: 0px; }  
h2 + ol li, h2 + p + ol li, h2 + ol li ol li , h2 + p + ol li ol li { counter-increment:section; }  
h2 + ol li:before, h2 + p + ol li:before, h2 + ol li ol li:before , h2 + p + ol li ol li:before { content: counter(h1s) "." counters(section, '.') '. '; }  

h3 + ol, h3 + p + ol, h3 + ol li ol , h3 + p + ol li ol { counter-reset:section; list-style-type:none; padding-left: 0px; }  
h3 + ol li, h3 + p + ol li, h3 + ol li ol li , h3 + p + ol li ol li { counter-increment:section; }  
h3 + ol li:before, h3 + p + ol li:before, h3 + ol li ol li:before , h3 + p + ol li ol li:before { content: counter(h1s) "." counter(h2s) "." counters(section, '.') '. '; }  

h4 + ol, h4 + p + ol, h4 + ol li ol , h4 + p + ol li ol { counter-reset:section; list-style-type:none; padding-left: 0px; }  
h4 + ol li, h4 + p + ol li, h4 + ol li ol li , h4 + p + ol li ol li { counter-increment:section; }  
h4 + ol li:before, h4 + p + ol li:before, h4 + ol li ol li:before , h4 + p + ol li ol li:before { content: counter(h1s) "." counter(h2s) "." counter(h3s) "."  counters(section, '.') '. '; }  

h5 + ol, h5 + p + ol, h5 + ol li ol , h5 + p + ol li ol { counter-reset:section; list-style-type:none; padding-left: 0px; }  
h5 + ol li, h5 + p + ol li, h5 + ol li ol li , h5 + p + ol li ol li { counter-increment:section; }  
h5 + ol li:before, h5 + p + ol li:before, h5 + ol li ol li:before , h5 + p + ol li ol li:before { content: counter(h1s) "." counter(h2s) "." counter(h3s) "."  counter(h4s) "."  counters(section, '.') '. '; }  

h6 + ol, h6 + p + ol, h6 + ol li ol , h6 + p + ol li ol { counter-reset:section; list-style-type:none; padding-left: 0px; }  
h6 + ol li, h6 + p + ol li, h6 + ol li ol li , h6 + p + ol li ol li { counter-increment:section; }  
h6 + ol li:before, h6 + p + ol li:before, h6 + ol li ol li:before , h6 + p + ol li ol li:before { content: counter(h1s) "." counter(h2s) "." counter(h3s) "."  counter(h4s) "."  counter(h5s) "."  counters(section, '.') '. '; }  

Actions #6

Updated by Stéphane Champeau almost 8 years ago

There are some differences, see screenshots.
Your version also break the pdf export as mine ...

Actions #7

Updated by Toshi MARUYAMA almost 8 years ago

  • Description updated (diff)

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