Feature #20595
openHierarchical Numbering on headers
Text formatting
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Numbering support on header is very useful feature to write the big wiki pages. I can't find this feature in redmine. :(
Following images is from
I want to this. :)
Updated by Adnan Topçu over 9 years ago
- Status changed from New to Resolved
Updated by Jürgen Depicker over 8 years ago
Hello, I don't consider this resolved, or am missing something to make it resolved. Can you please reopen this till it is implemented?
Updated by Stéphane Champeau about 8 years ago
this is my version of numberedheaders
/* */
/* counter(x): number x*/
/* counters(x,str), all counter with separator ( x.y.z.... )*/
/* Limit to .toc */
UL { counter-reset: item }
.toc LI { display: block }
.toc LI:before { content: counters(item, ".") " "; counter-increment: item }
/* .wiki { counter-reset: h1 h2 h3 h4 h5; } : works only in wiki page, not in html export as there is no more wiki class */
/* body { counter-reset: h1 h2 h3 h4 h5; } : works in html export but in wiki page add numbered number in project name */
/* The wiki must have the first h1. right afert the {{toc}} */
ul.toc + a + h1 { counter-reset: h1 h2 h3 h4 h5; } /*: works in wiki and html export. The wiki must be : .... {{toc}} h1. first numbered h1 ...... */
ul.toc ~ h1 { counter-reset: h2 h3 h4 h5; }
ul.toc ~ h1::before { counter-increment: h1; content: counter(h1) ". " ; }
ul.toc ~ h2 { counter-reset: h3 h4 h5; }
ul.toc ~ h2::before { counter-increment: h2; content: counter(h1) "." counter(h2) ". ";}
ul.toc ~ h3 { counter-reset: h4 h5; }
ul.toc ~ h3::before { counter-increment: h3; content: counter(h1) "." counter(h2) "." counter(h3) ". ";}
ul.toc ~ h4 { counter-reset: h5; }
ul.toc ~ h4::before { counter-increment: h4; content: counter(h1) "." counter(h2) "." counter(h3) "." counter(h4,lower-latin) ". ";}
h1. first numbered
works in wiki and html export but breaks the pdf export with this error
Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 1032ms (ActiveRecord: 48.4ms) ActionView::Template::Error (undefined method `attrib' for #<Redmine::Export::PDF::ITCPDF:0xb37205e8>): 1: <%= raw wiki_page_to_pdf(@page, @project) %> lib/redmine/export/pdf.rb:95:in `RDMwriteFormattedCell' lib/redmine/export/pdf/wiki_pdf_helper.rb:79:in `write_wiki_page' lib/redmine/export/pdf/wiki_pdf_helper.rb:55:in `wiki_page_to_pdf' app/views/wiki/show.pdf.erb:1:in `_app_views_wiki_show_pdf_erb___751018598__644180978' lib/redmine/sudo_mode.rb:63:in `sudo_mode'
Updated by Adnan Topçu almost 8 years ago
Below is more complicated version. headers and items are together.
h1 { counter-reset: h1s; }
h2 { counter-reset: h2s; }
h2::before {
content: counter(h1s) ". ";
counter-increment: h1s;
h3 { counter-reset: h3s; }
h3::before {
content: counter(h1s) "." counter(h2s) ". ";
counter-increment: h2s;
h4 { counter-reset: h4s; }
h4::before {
content: counter(h1s) "." counter(h2s) "." counter(h3s) ". ";
counter-increment: h3s;
h5 { counter-reset: h5s; }
h5::before {
content: counter(h1s) "." counter(h2s) "." counter(h3s) "." counter(h4s) ". ";
counter-increment: h4s;
h6 { counter-reset: h6s; }
h6::before {
content: counter(h1s) "." counter(h2s) "." counter(h3s) "." counter(h4s) "." counter(h5s) ". ";
counter-increment: h5s;
h1 + ol, h1 + p + ol, h1 + ol li ol , h1 + p + ol li ol { counter-reset:section; list-style-type:none; padding-left: 0px; }
h1 + ol li, h1 + p + ol li, h1 + ol li ol li , h1 + p + ol li ol li { counter-increment:section;}
h1 + ol li:before, h1 + p + ol li:before, h1 + ol li ol li:before , h1 + p + ol li ol li:before { content: counters(section, '.') '. ';}
h2 + ol, h2 + p + ol, h2 + ol li ol , h2 + p + ol li ol { counter-reset:section; list-style-type:none; padding-left: 0px; }
h2 + ol li, h2 + p + ol li, h2 + ol li ol li , h2 + p + ol li ol li { counter-increment:section; }
h2 + ol li:before, h2 + p + ol li:before, h2 + ol li ol li:before , h2 + p + ol li ol li:before { content: counter(h1s) "." counters(section, '.') '. '; }
h3 + ol, h3 + p + ol, h3 + ol li ol , h3 + p + ol li ol { counter-reset:section; list-style-type:none; padding-left: 0px; }
h3 + ol li, h3 + p + ol li, h3 + ol li ol li , h3 + p + ol li ol li { counter-increment:section; }
h3 + ol li:before, h3 + p + ol li:before, h3 + ol li ol li:before , h3 + p + ol li ol li:before { content: counter(h1s) "." counter(h2s) "." counters(section, '.') '. '; }
h4 + ol, h4 + p + ol, h4 + ol li ol , h4 + p + ol li ol { counter-reset:section; list-style-type:none; padding-left: 0px; }
h4 + ol li, h4 + p + ol li, h4 + ol li ol li , h4 + p + ol li ol li { counter-increment:section; }
h4 + ol li:before, h4 + p + ol li:before, h4 + ol li ol li:before , h4 + p + ol li ol li:before { content: counter(h1s) "." counter(h2s) "." counter(h3s) "." counters(section, '.') '. '; }
h5 + ol, h5 + p + ol, h5 + ol li ol , h5 + p + ol li ol { counter-reset:section; list-style-type:none; padding-left: 0px; }
h5 + ol li, h5 + p + ol li, h5 + ol li ol li , h5 + p + ol li ol li { counter-increment:section; }
h5 + ol li:before, h5 + p + ol li:before, h5 + ol li ol li:before , h5 + p + ol li ol li:before { content: counter(h1s) "." counter(h2s) "." counter(h3s) "." counter(h4s) "." counters(section, '.') '. '; }
h6 + ol, h6 + p + ol, h6 + ol li ol , h6 + p + ol li ol { counter-reset:section; list-style-type:none; padding-left: 0px; }
h6 + ol li, h6 + p + ol li, h6 + ol li ol li , h6 + p + ol li ol li { counter-increment:section; }
h6 + ol li:before, h6 + p + ol li:before, h6 + ol li ol li:before , h6 + p + ol li ol li:before { content: counter(h1s) "." counter(h2s) "." counter(h3s) "." counter(h4s) "." counter(h5s) "." counters(section, '.') '. '; }
Updated by Stéphane Champeau almost 8 years ago
- File numbered headers with css from post 4.png numbered headers with css from post 4.png added
- File numbered headers with css from post 5.png numbered headers with css from post 5.png added
There are some differences, see screenshots.
Your version also break the pdf export as mine ...