



Patch #215


watchers of bugs

Added by Pavol Murin almost 18 years ago. Updated about 16 years ago.

Target version:
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% Done:


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This patch adds "watchers" = every issue can be watched by anybody in the project. Every time the issue is
changed, the assigned_to user and all watchers get an email.

To add yourself as a watcher, view an issue, there is a new link and icon next to the edit link and icon:

watch    -> add yourself as a watcher
unwatch -> remove yourself as from watchers of this issue.

I also added a list of all watchers at the bottom of the issue page (show action) - users, that can add members to the
project can add or remove watchers from an issue.

What is missing: tests - I did test it thoroughly, but I haven't added any tests yet :-(. I will, I promise.
Code review - I don't pretend to understand redmine very well - I tried to do it as good as I could, but if something
is inconsistent or bad, please let me know! I will improve the code if I know how.



watchers_correction.diff (595 Bytes) watchers_correction.diff Pavol Murin, 2008-02-03 11:00 (3.04 KB) Pavol Murin, 2008-02-03 11:00
Actions #1

Updated by Pavol Murin almost 18 years ago

I'm sorry, I missed one change. Here is the tiny additional

Actions #2

Updated by Brenden Grace almost 18 years ago

The only thing I would add is that it is nice to be able to sometimes
include people who may not be aware that they should be included.
They may not even be RedMine users. In bugzilla I would regularly
CC managers or ever sales people so that they could keep up to
date on an issue. Just a suggestion.

Actions #3

Updated by Pavol Murin almost 18 years ago

Oh, but that is already included - everybody, who is
autorized to add members to the project can add or remove
other watchers - just scroll to the bottom of the "show
issue" page!

I didn't want everybody to add watchers - but if I can
change my mind :-)


Actions #4

Updated by Jean-Philippe Lang almost 18 years ago

I've just added watching functionality.
For now, it's not possible:
- to add someone else
- to view the list of watchers
It will come asap.

I used a different approach (dedicated model and controller)
to allow other things to be watched in the future (eg. forums,
document, wiki page...).

Actions #5

Updated by Pavol Murin almost 18 years ago

Thanks, you are right - it is certainly better to allow watching
of forums,
documents etc.

I really like the icon, would it be possible to have a holow
one for one of the
states (e.g. hollow star = issue is not being watched)

Thanks a lot, muro

Actions #6

Updated by Jean-Philippe Lang almost 18 years ago

I made a grey scale icon. Hope you'll like :-)

Actions #7

Updated by Pavol Murin almost 18 years ago

sounds good! I'll take a look when it's commited into svn (hint,
hint) :-)


Actions #8

Updated by Jean-Philippe Lang almost 18 years ago

It took me some time to understand :-)

Actions #9

Updated by Pavol Murin almost 18 years ago

Sorry for the cryptic comment :-). Thanks, I like the new icon.
And thanks for the
commited code - I'm not a rails nor ruby expert and it's
an interesting solution.
So I learned something new today. Thanks, Jean Philippe.


Actions #10

Updated by Pavol Murin almost 18 years ago

Oh, I just found one more problem - but this might be my
misunderstanding - I would like to let a user know, that an
issue was just assigned to him. I did this in
app/models/mailer.rb, after line 34:

@recipients.push  issue.assigned_to.mail if
issue.assigned_to && !issue.assigned_to.mail.empty?

Another thing: I had a check before line 31:
return unless journal
I'm not sure if it is necessary.

Actions #11

Updated by Jean-Philippe Lang almost 18 years ago

In trunk source, all of the project members are receiving the
notifications. So adding the assign user is not necessary.
I know it could be better. I'll try to make mail notifications
more configurable for people, so they can choose what kind of
notifications they receive.

For the second point, did you ever get a nil error
in Mailer#issue_edit ?

Actions #12

Updated by Pavol Murin almost 18 years ago

I understand your point. However - we already have hundreds
of issues and getting a mail notification for each change
too much. Most people have mail notifications turned off
(except for one or two people) and only want to receive
notifications if something changes with an issue assigned to
them. That's the reason for the proposed change.

regarding the nil error: you are right - it is probably just
a leftover from development while I was implementing the

Thanks, muro

Actions #13

Updated by Jean-Philippe Lang about 16 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Closed

Feature available.


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