Feature #2163
Hudson Plugin
I have developed a small plugin (heavily based on the Simple CI plugin) especially for Hudson. I know, that there is lots of improvements possible. Please find the sources attached. Probably you could add this to your Repository?
Updated by Anonymous over 16 years ago
I have unfortunately (and against the process) closed this issue already. The attached plugin still needs some (minor) improvements, where I hope you can probably help me. The Time-parsing is not working correctly, and therefor I have basically turned it off.
Furthermore I have a question, if I could pre-fill the Name of the Custom Property as well as the Success-Wording. This would make the usage of this plugin even simpler.
Can anyone provide any input on this?
Updated by Eric Davis over 16 years ago
- Due date deleted (
2008-11-11) - Status changed from Resolved to New
- Start date deleted (
2008-11-11) - Resolution deleted (
Markus May wrote:
I have unfortunately (and against the process) closed this issue already.
It's reopened now.
Updated by Sergej Jegorov over 16 years ago
It would be fine to have that plugin.
P.S. Hudson can also integrate with external products by using these plugins ...
Redmine Plugin — This plugin integrates Redmine into Hudson.
Updated by Anonymous over 16 years ago
The plugin is (in a basic version) attached to the issue. I definitly need some further help for improving this (I am a Java guy and not a Ruby expert). Especially the Date-Stuff is of interest, I believe. Furthermore, I would, like stated above, definitly like to pre-fill the DB with values for e.g. the Custom Property Name as well as the Success-word, since this is fixed for this CI-Tool.
Any help on these one?
Updated by Anonymous over 16 years ago
Some more ideas on this one:
We could use the RSS Feed as the basis. Unfortunately there is no "In Progress" state right now in the RSS feed, meaning, that we are not getting the current build.
This could be solved through XML-Parsing of the Hudson XML-API Stuff. With this it would also be possible to disable or enable a Job, or to trigger a build directly.
I am currently thinking about two tabs beneath the original Menu-tabs of redmine, where one provides an overview (which is already done on the basis of the simple CI plugin) and a new tab, where the User can do the above mentioned stuff. What do you think?
Like stated above, any help would be greatly appreciated :-)
Thanks guys. I believe we can make this to a great plugin.
Updated by Anonymous over 16 years ago
- File hudson_0.0.3.tar.gz hudson_0.0.3.tar.gz added
I have now created a new version, with a tighter integration as well as with language settings. This newes version is attached.
Updated by Anonymous over 16 years ago
I would like to add the Build data to the Activity Page. I think, that I need a model-class, which represents the build. Could anyone please provide some input, on how to design this model-class and use it in the controller?
Updated by Markus Knittig over 16 years ago
Redmine uses a plugin for the activity page (acts_as_activity_provider). The syntax is quite simple. Just look at the news or changeset model. Don't forget to register the activity provider in your init.rb...
Updated by Anonymous over 16 years ago
My problem is not, on how to register my plugin into the activities, but more on how to create a model using RSS-feeds. Basically I am an Java Developer and not a Ruby Expert. Probably someone could help me with this plugin? Any help is more then welcome.
I still strongly believe that this plugin is a first step in the direction of building up a whole Integration System with Redmine.
Updated by Eric Davis over 16 years ago
Markus May wrote:
My problem is not, on how to register my plugin into the activities, but more on how to create a model using RSS-feeds. Basically I am an Java Developer and not a Ruby Expert. Probably someone could help me with this plugin? Any help is more then welcome.
Short answer would be to:
- Regular rake task to poll the RSS feeds
- If new RSS entries are found, then parse them and save them to the database via a Model
Once in the Model, they are easy to push to the activity pages.
I still strongly believe that this plugin is a first step in the direction of building up a whole Integration System with Redmine.
I've been wanting to hack on the Simple CI plugin to add in some more features but haven't found the time yet. Markus May, since you said this is based on the Simple CI plugin would you be interested in combining the plugins so there is one main CI plugin? I'd then like to add in CruiseControl.rb and maybe some other CI systems. Ideally, CI would be like the SCM system where an administrator can pick and configure Redmine to what system they use.
Updated by Markus Knittig over 16 years ago
Eric Davis wrote:
I've been wanting to hack on the Simple CI plugin to add in some more features but haven't found the time yet. Markus May, since you said this is based on the Simple CI plugin would you be interested in combining the plugins so there is one main CI plugin? I'd then like to add in CruiseControl.rb and maybe some other CI systems. Ideally, CI would be like the SCM system where an administrator can pick and configure Redmine to what system they use.
Great idea, I would contribute too.
Updated by Anonymous over 16 years ago
the most current source is still attached to this Ticket.
I thought that the model is asking the Hudson (or more commonly the CI-Server) for the RSS-Data every time and then put this stuff into the activity via the already bespoken mechanism. Of course this would be a big-time performance hit, therefor Erics idea is great.
I definitly need some help with the Rake Task, which should then be called on the click of the Activity page, to update the Database. Could somebody help me out here?
Updated by Toshiyuki Ando over 15 years ago
I created Hudson Plugin.
Please see the link below.
Updated by Jean-Baptiste Barth almost 12 years ago
- Status changed from New to Closed